Lilly and AZ execs seen at home office Friday


At home office and two vans came to visit on Friday. I went out to ask the drivers who these suits were, one said someone from AstraZeneca and the Other said Eli Lilly. That was all the info they had said they did not talk much just told them what company they were with. Perhaps a bidding war. Fight Forest please!

At home office and two vans came to visit on Friday. I went out to ask the drivers who these suits were, one said someone from AstraZeneca and the Other said Eli Lilly. That was all the info they had said they did not talk much just told them what company they were with. Perhaps a bidding war. Fight Forest please!

The second van had Elvis, Buddy Holly, and Janice Joplin. They are fighting for next national sales meeting. Quit spreading lies

At home office and two vans came to visit on Friday. I went out to ask the drivers who these suits were, one said someone from AstraZeneca and the Other said Eli Lilly. That was all the info they had said they did not talk much just told them what company they were with. Perhaps a bidding war. Fight Forest please!

I saw them too. The Eli Lilly board of directors were there to fellate Howard while the AZ board tickled his ass!

Jesus! How retarded are you?

The AZ representatives were poorly dressed and looked very creepy. Thought about calling the police before finding out who they were. On second thought, I still should have called police.

After our field ride today my new Lilly exec. friend and I had some pizza and a beer. He said the sales force was safe, but Lynch, 2/5 ABDs and 1/2 RDs and DMs would be out just in time for Christmas.