Lighthouse Lab Services


If you use them for recruiting, if you hire someone, they will still send that employee they placed there other job opportunities so that they can collect on more referral fees. So you hire someone they placed at your lab, then 9-12 months later they are sending that employee new jobs that are open to move them to another lab.

Thanks for hiring reviews. What about for consultation for billing, management and test development?
absolutely over priced and peddling costly solutions, uncompetitive per sample cost. if you are shopping for infectious disease PCR tests and they arent offering you tests with less than 10 bucks per sample cost, then you are getting screwed

Lighthouse is really well connected in the Lab industry and know everyone. Great team to network with.
Pretty reliable for recruiting good lab staff and consulting on special projects.
Their RCM team is really good! Our lab has used them for years and would give a positive recommendation.

Lighthouse is really well connected in the Lab industry and know everyone. Great team to network with.
Pretty reliable for recruiting good lab staff and consulting on special projects.
Their RCM team is really good! Our lab has used them for years and would give a positive recommendation.

I'm well connected in the lab industry also, and I didn't find them effective at all when it comes to recruiting. A big thumbs down.

Lighthouse is really well connected in the Lab industry and know everyone. Great team to network with.
Pretty reliable for recruiting good lab staff and consulting on special projects.
Their RCM team is really good! Our lab has used them for years and would give a positive recommendation.

No doubt a response from a current Lighthouse staffer.

I'm well connected in the lab industry also, and I didn't find them effective at all when it comes to recruiting. A big thumbs down.

Lighthouse are a bunch of ex-PCL employees that formed a company, made themselves out to be experts, purchased "experts" (pathology, LIS, billing) and then marketed themselves as "experts". Their services are for POL and labs with no expertise in house. We all know how PCL turned out. If you have no knowledge of the lab space then this is the company for you!