
We're Fucked Thanks To Jim McClinFuck!!! Everyone should stick their head between their legs and kiss their ass goodbye!!!You piece of shit hope your're slepping well at night FUCKING up a perfectly good company!! We had a company before you started!! Just wanted to tell you Thank You you old Fucker!!!! Go back to TX and fuck up a company there!!!! You couldn't sell an Ice Cube to an Eskimo!!! Much less turn this company around!!!

put down your meth pipe dude and check yourself in. We all have choices dip shit. If you are still here and feel this way you must be unemployable or you would have taken your skills elsewhere. Name your contributions......

Clint is something else. Guy knows nothing about nothing but VP of marketing. He will land somewhere I'm sure. Such a Dumb F. stulid Thermo mgrs too probably feeding CP bull and passing it up to JM so they don't get let go

This company is done. What the hell has happened here

I hear they are on track to make 80 million this year with an EBITA of only 300k. Down from about 112 million last year. There are plenty of 80 million dollar companies doing fine. Can they cut their way to a decent profit at 80m or is revenue dropping to fast to keep up?

I hear they are on track to make 80 million this year with an EBITA of only 300k. Down from about 112 million last year. There are plenty of 80 million dollar companies doing fine. Can they cut their way to a decent profit at 80m or is revenue dropping to fast to keep up?
. These employees are not going to rally around this CEO. He's done. All good reps are looking.