you do what you have to do to get business. It is just a shame so many can not find another way to distinguish themselves and/or their company other than the financial side. W2's, 1009's, patient education, daily billing, etc.. Listen and listen close, the hammer is coming down and when it does those who have left business on the table because we refuse to give in to that kind of crappy business practice, will not be getting the shaft from the account(s) who trusted our advice.
Now those insecure, infantile babling idiots can take all your cheap shots and fire away with the insults. In 6 months when the DOJ and OIG are involved I will be sleeping very well at night.
You are right it is all inducement!!!!!My BF is a health care attorney in DC you would be surprised what she told constitutes an inducement. Her husband works on the hill and there are numerous aspects in the health care industry being looked at right now, given all that is taking place in regards to reform, I would be very careful what I promised an account!!!
Good night all and to all a good night.