Have been gone for almost 2 years. Am working for a good company with excellent products. They are the best in class, have good insurance coverage and a fair price. I am treated with respect and they value my selling ability. I am not making as much money as I did at Shitiva, but I am happy. I respect my boss (I had an outstanding boss at Shitiva also), she treats me fairly and I know what she expects. At Shitiva, I felt like I needed a bath several times per day (felt dirty selling Shitiva products), I knew I was pushing a product that could be purchased for a fraction of the cost Shitiva was charging and I knew I was screwing the patient/their insurance company. I also had to deal with one of the biggest pricks on the planet (BH) every so often. THERE IS A GREAT LIFE AFTER SHITIVA. Be patient, it will come.