Life after Galderma


Life after Galderma was rough for a while. Then you got used to it. You discover all the fun out there. You realize there is a normal life out there. That paycheck was toxic. It trapped you. I almost did not want to go because getting a fat paycheck was worth the torture and demeaning by my manager. My thinking was twisted. Now I am free! I know my former manager is enjoying the weekend after destroying another good employee last week.

Life after Galderma was rough for a while. Then you got used to it. You discover all the fun out there. You realize there is a normal life out there. That paycheck was toxic. It trapped you. I almost did not want to go because getting a fat paycheck was worth the torture and demeaning by my manager. My thinking was twisted. Now I am free! I know my former manager is enjoying the weekend after destroying another good employee last week.
Everyone that stays at Galderma is sick. They like to be tortured and abused. No amount of money is worth staying in this hell.

Life after Galderma was rough for a while. Then you got used to it. You discover all the fun out there. You realize there is a normal life out there. That paycheck was toxic. It trapped you. I almost did not want to go because getting a fat paycheck was worth the torture and demeaning by my manager. My thinking was twisted. Now I am free! I know my former manager is enjoying the weekend after destroying another good employee last week.
So, so true. There was a sense of relief when I was let go and it took a couple of weeks for my mental health to recover from the fear and toxicity of having to work in such an environment. As an over 50, I am now facing the reality of unemployment. Finding a new job with equivalent benefits is challenging. Good luck to all.

So, so true. There was a sense of relief when I was let go and it took a couple of weeks for my mental health to recover from the fear and toxicity of having to work in such an environment. As an over 50, I am now facing the reality of unemployment. Finding a new job with equivalent benefits is challenging. Good luck to all.
Times are hard, finding a job is hard but if you get of your high horse, lower salary expectations and do something about it, you will find something.

For me, life after Galderma has been good. I landed with another company. The challenge is that I was physically under so much stress that as the cortisol levels have decreased, it caused me to go into a funk as my body regulated itself. Would not go back because I feel like I have more balance (I’m not doing 3-4 people’s jobs any longer) but it’s been a mind f&ck getting used to not being driven into the ground physically and mentally. Yes - I was home office. Yes, I know the field is the bread & butter, but the HO experience is also crap on a cracker.

Got laid off from Galderma 2021 at the ripe age of 56. Have been doing consulting and project work since. Very difficult to find a new exec / sr exec. job over 50. My mental health is so much better now despite the lack of job. It was torture working in such a toxic environment.

Got laid off from Galderma 2021 at the ripe age of 56. Have been doing consulting and project work since. Very difficult to find a new exec / sr exec. job over 50. My mental health is so much better now despite the lack of job. It was torture working in such a toxic environment.
over 50 you are totally disposible. galderma couldn’t care less about you. as a matter of fact you are a liability. you're expensive to maintain (salary, benefits, car, computer).

Laid off @ 56. 58 now. I’m out to pasture 10 years early with no resources to survive.
30 yrs in industry, 4 companies. Anxious to continue working. 2 Teenage kids. Multi year award winner over pharma career. I have BA, MA and MBA degree. However, clearly, the pharma industry is not interested in the "older" experienced worker. Severance is used up, stretched it as much as I could. UI benefits gone, want to hold off on Soc Sec to get full payout at 66, ditto with IRA/410K savings.
I have worked 2 short term contract positions, just to show a recent employment history. However, what I need is a job with benefits.

That’s a really rough situation and I’m sorry to hear of your challenges. I wasn’t a Pharma lifer, I arrived after 10 years of other experience. My overwhelming feeling was, “this can’t last forever “ - the amazing benefits, the incredible 401k match, profit sharing, phantom stock, truly unlimited expense account…. It was just too good. Hanging with a bunch of bros that couldn’t count to 12 without taking a shoe off. I remember telling a colleague, “do not get used to this, don’t build your life around it always being this good”…. In my experience, those that made a life out of it were more lucky than anything…. Good luck to everyone…..

Seriously I hope everyone in this company’s leadership goes through some bad karma for all the lives they have destroyed starting with Flemming, then his cronies David C and shires. Anything bad that happens to them I hope they know there was someone wishing for that for them all along…

Life outside of Galderma is amazing. Galderma is just a job, it shouldn’t control your life. The company is terrible. There are hundreds of nice good companies out there to work for. I would argue you are lucky to be gone from Galderma as it doesn’t get worse than that place.

Life is so much better after this hell hole. I just left a few weeks ago and I am so happy. Thank you galderma for making my experience so miserable so it forced me to leave and see what the world / other companies have to offer. Eat my junk galderma