Lies, Lies & More Lies / B&L Offer Letter - What a joke!


During the process of being purchased by B&L we have been given few if any answers to many of the questions that would be pertinent to this transaction.

A couple of weeks ago senior management told us how much B&L wants us. During this, they were explaining all of the guarantees that we were going to be given, as well as coming up with a new contest that was paying out extraordinary dollars that were to show us how much we were wanted.

There are a couple of things that I want to bring up in regards to the promises that have been made. In the offer letter, which is no guarantee because they clearly state numerous times that most if any of these things can be modified or terminated at the companies discretion at any time for any reason. Furthermore, there is no guarantee if we’re laid off within a year what our compensation might be in regards to being laid off.

Senior leader ship told us that if we were laid off that we would receive the Novartis package if we’re laid off within a year. However, the offer letter said no such thing it further goes on to say that the company has the option to terminate your employment at any time with or without advance notice for any, or no reasons and that they may also change our title, our compensation benefits, or other conditions of our employment.

Nowhere in the offer letter, does it state that if we are laid off within the first year that we would be retroactive to the Novartis plan. Just one more line on top of all the other lies that been told to us all along.

One additional thing that I find is very strange… Is now that the offer letter is out in the open no one in senior, regional leader ship has offered any discussion or conference, called to discuss. How reviewing this. They have gone radio silent. Probably hiding from the wrath of all those that they’ve lied to.

if I was any of your reps in the Northeast, I would not be expecting to be paid those huge bonus box that they’re promising to pay us because as they have said they can change or terminate the program for any reasons any time. Do you really think they’re going to live up to their word now? I think not!!!!

Lies, lies, and more lies… No wonder they are on the CIA!

I’m gonna preface my comments by saying that I am one of the representatives that is getting paid a very large sum of money, this trimester, along with the bonus money.

As I was reading the offer letter, those exact thoughts came to my mind. I hate to say that I am not trustful of our company a time after time it is proven out that they do what’s in their own best interest.

Yes, I am very fortunate, and even lucky with our formulary wins for the previous couple of trimesters. I do sensory animosity among other reps that comes up from time to time and if I were in your shoes, I would feel the same way.

If I was still at Novartis Id be at my Lawyers office discussing this. Seriously if you don't have one get one now. You don’t owe Novartis anything. You all need to get guarantees on those bonuses. That was Novartis’ commitment not B&L. As for severance when they bought Shire that detail was clearly spelled out to us and negotiated by Shire. We all knew exactly what we were getting for severance for a year and a half after close of the deal. I guess Novartis has to get some of the money they over paid for Xiidra somehow. Why not Screw employees to do that.

Why are we signing and “offer agreement?” This is just a formality to make us think they care about us. In reality the letter clearly states that any part of it including, salary, bonus, title etc can be changed at any time for any reason and without notice? Those promised big bonuses Novartis is talking about…B&L can change that, cancel it. The salaries we’re all getting that are significantly higher than the B&L reps, those can be changes at any time. We don’t have a leg to stand on. We’re at their mercy. Sign it or be without a job and severance. What an absolutely shitty way to treat employees starting on this new venture

Why are we signing and “offer agreement?” This is just a formality to make us think they care about us. In reality the letter clearly states that any part of it including, salary, bonus, title etc can be changed at any time for any reason and without notice? Those promised big bonuses Novartis is talking about…B&L can change that, cancel it. The salaries we’re all getting that are significantly higher than the B&L reps, those can be changes at any time. We don’t have a leg to stand on. We’re at their mercy. Sign it or be without a job and severance. What an absolutely shitty way to treat employees starting on this new venture

We feel for you Xiidra team. The lowest of the lowest that I have seen in the industry aside from layoffs without any notice. Take the position and make it your full time job to find something else. Sadly it’s easier to find a job when you have a job. It will surely suck for a little while but you will end up at a much better place. The Xiidra team is amazing and it’s been awful to see how you all have been treated

Take the severance folks. It's gonna be crappy, but better to find a gig elsewhere.

Where you people NOT looking for another gig when it became clear Nov Optha would get spun off?