Libtard shooting victim detained at taping of TV special


What's odd is this guy is supposed to be a liberal and Gifford supporter. Do you know what made him so mad at Humphries? The discussion was supposed to be an opportunity to discuss the tragedy and to help the community heal,to honor heros and to recognize those coming together despite their political differences, but had gone off on a tangent about gun control.

Trent Humphries, the founder of the Tucson Tea Party, rose to speak and suggested that discussion about gun legislation be postponed until after the funerals. At that point, Ms. Proud said, Mr. Fuller blurted out to Mr. Humphries, “You’re dead.” About five police officers surrounded Mr. Fuller and escorted him from the event. As he was leaving, Ms. Proud said, he turned and yelled, “You’re all whores.”

Of course ABC reports left off the part about the person threatened being a tea party member and downplayed the entire threat. Can you imagine the reaction if the roles were reversed and Fuller was the tea party member?

Once again, before all the facts are in, there is talk that his behavior is a reaction to the shooting last week. Mmm... not so fast:
Mr. Fuller got into a confrontation shortly before the Jan. 8 attack, which occurred at a meeting between Ms. Gifford and her constituents in front of a Safeway supermarket. Mr. Fuller said in an interview this week that he argued with a man he described as a former Marine after a heated discussion over politics. Gabriel Zimmerman, an aide to Ms. Giffords, separated the two. Mr. Zimmerman was killed in the attack. Mr. Fuller spoke dismissively of Republicans during the interview. “They appeal to simple-minded rednecks,” he said.

Nope, no hate from the left. None at all.

There is one element of good news that shows the local authorities have learned a little following the Loughner saga. In this case, Fuller made a direct threat so they were able to hold him for psychological testing.
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What's odd is this guy is supposed to be a liberal and Gifford supporter. Do you know what made him so mad at Humphries? The discussion was supposed to be an opportunity to discuss the tragedy and to help the community heal,to honor heros and to recognize those coming together despite their political differences, but had gone off on a tangent about gun control.

Trent Humphries, the founder of the Tucson Tea Party, rose to speak and suggested that discussion about gun legislation be postponed until after the funerals. At that point, Ms. Proud said, Mr. Fuller blurted out to Mr. Humphries, “You’re dead.” About five police officers surrounded Mr. Fuller and escorted him from the event. As he was leaving, Ms. Proud said, he turned and yelled, “You’re all whores.”

Of course ABC reports left off the part about the person threatened being a tea party member and downplayed the entire threat. Can you imagine the reaction if the roles were reversed and Fuller was the tea party member?

Once again, before all the facts are in, there is talk that his behavior is a reaction to the shooting last week. Mmm... not so fast:
Mr. Fuller got into a confrontation shortly before the Jan. 8 attack, which occurred at a meeting between Ms. Gifford and her constituents in front of a Safeway supermarket. Mr. Fuller said in an interview this week that he argued with a man he described as a former Marine after a heated discussion over politics. Gabriel Zimmerman, an aide to Ms. Giffords, separated the two. Mr. Zimmerman was killed in the attack. Mr. Fuller spoke dismissively of Republicans during the interview. “They appeal to simple-minded rednecks,” he said.

Nope, no hate from the left. None at all.

There is one element of good news that shows the local authorities have learned a little following the Loughner saga. In this case, Fuller made a direct threat so they were able to hold him for psychological testing.

Hes getting a break because he was struck twice by bullets in one of the worst political massacre in the US. its WRONG but i understand his actions.

If he really wanted to kill anyone, he wouldnt have screamed "you're dead" in front of evryone. He just wanted some attention in a post traumatic situation.

Hes getting a break because he was struck twice by bullets in one of the worst political massacre in the US. its WRONG but i understand his actions.

If he really wanted to kill anyone, he wouldnt have screamed "you're dead" in front of evryone. He just wanted some attention in a post traumatic situation.

You must have missed the part where he was in a confrontation last week at the event and had to be separated from another attendee. From all accounts so far, he's not mentally ill like Loughner but no, this isn't because he was shot. He was an angry man before, happy to get into a public confrontation, and he's an angrier man now.

How many times did Jared Loughner screamed at the people he was about to kill " you're dead" ?? He could have been stopped if he did, right??

Nah, he just had notes about assassinations on letters, videos and posts on facebook and you tube, things like college women like to be raped... you know, nothing threatening at all. The difference was, it was not directed at a specific person and was ignored!

Hes getting a break because he was struck twice by bullets in one of the worst political massacre in the US. its WRONG but i understand his actions.

If he really wanted to kill anyone, he wouldnt have screamed "you're dead" in front of evryone. He just wanted some attention in a post traumatic situation.

WOW! That is one hell of a knot you just twisted yourself into to justify this guys behavior.

Whenver you libtardiots try to justify a fellow travelers behavior you always say "I think it is wrong, but I understand because (fill in the greivance)"

Now if this were a Tea Party person saying it to someone, you would be shitting your pants all over the board.

If it were a Muslime, you would of course be back to the "I think it is wrong, but I understand because the jews (fill in the greivance)"

You are pathetic

Hes getting a break because he was struck twice by bullets in one of the worst political massacre in the US. its WRONG but i understand his actions.

If he really wanted to kill anyone, he wouldnt have screamed "you're dead" in front of evryone. He just wanted some attention in a post traumatic situation.

All under Odummyfuckers watch. Tsk tsk tsk. What a divider

WOW! That is one hell of a knot you just twisted yourself into to justify this guys behavior.

Whenver you libtardiots try to justify a fellow travelers behavior you always say "I think it is wrong, but I understand because (fill in the greivance)"

Now if this were a Tea Party person saying it to someone, you would be shitting your pants all over the board.

If it were a Muslime, you would of course be back to the "I think it is wrong, but I understand because the jews (fill in the greivance)"

You are pathetic


You must have missed the part where he was in a confrontation last week at the event and had to be separated from another attendee. From all accounts so far, he's not mentally ill like Loughner but no, this isn't because he was shot. He was an angry man before, happy to get into a public confrontation, and he's an angrier man now.

You are right, i didnt know about that. He may be an angry man, but no doubt the shooting drove him over the edge and he probably thought it would get away with it becaues he was shot.

Jared Loughner knew that the slaughter he committed was WRONG. He maybe unstable like thousands of people around us, but that doesnt make them killers and terrorists.
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WOW! That is one hell of a knot you just twisted yourself into to justify this guys behavior.

Whenver you libtardiots try to justify a fellow travelers behavior you always say "I think it is wrong, but I understand because (fill in the greivance)"

Now if this were a Tea Party person saying it to someone, you would be shitting your pants all over the board.

If it were a Muslime, you would of course be back to the "I think it is wrong, but I understand because the jews (fill in the greivance)"

You are pathetic

c'mon, you should know me by now. i hate hypocrites and i try my best not to be one. You on the other hand, are a certified bigot with biased views.

You are right, i didnt know about that. He may be an angry man, but no doubt the shooting drove him over the edge and he probably thought it would get away with it becaues he was shot.

Jared Loughner knew that the slaughter he committed was WRONG. He maybe unstable like thousands of people around us, but that doesnt make them killers and terrorists.

I don't know enough about mental illness to understand if Loughner knew he was wrong or not. I don't know the severity of his mental illness but find his posts and videos far more disturbing than many of those around us. I'm sure we will learn more about him throughout his trial but it will be hard to separate facts from defense attorneys spinning. I suspect you are right, though, as there was detailed and lengthy planning behind it. Apparently, he was together enough to remove a violation from his record so he would be cleared to purchase the gun. He'll be in prison for life or will receive the death penalty. Regardless, that was a tragedy that could have been avoided if there had been proper intervention. In an ideal world, he would have been in an institution receiving help before anyone was killed. At least in this case, the person threatening people is being evaluated. If he needs help, be it from before or after the shooting, hopefully this will give him the avenue to get it.

Not defending this guys actions, but he got shot and I'm sure that affected his state of mind, also the guy he threatened had blamed Giffords for being shot:

One tea party leader says that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) has herself to blame for getting shot in the head Saturday.

The Arizona congresswoman shouldn't have attended an event "in full view of the public" if she had security concerns, according to Tucson Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries.

Giffords warned MSNBC's Chuck Todd last year that there would be "consequences" to violent rhetoric and imagery after Fox News' Sarah Palin released a graphic which placed crosshairs over the congresswoman's district.

"But the thing is that the way that [Palin] has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gunsight over our district," Giffords said. "And when people do that, they’ve gotta realize there’s consequences to that action."

But Humphries thinks Giffords was just speaking out against Palin for political gain.

Here's more on Fuller - the guy who yelled the threat. He's been seething for a while so the shooting might have put him over the final edge. That and proof that Loughner wasn't tied to the tea party. His views on her appearing in public don't sound too different from what Humphries had stated (and I disagree with his statements).

Yes, Fuller is also the guy who told reporters after the shooting, “It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target." He had campaigned for Giffords during her re-election. He said he attended the "Congress on Your Corner" event where the shooting occurred to "give [Giffords] a boost and to protect her from the tea party crime syndicate and to shout them down." Following the shooting, he also remarked, "Why would [Giffords] attend an event in full view of the public with no security whatsoever? She lived under constant fear of this rhetoric and hatred that was seething."

Since the shooting, Fuller has reportedly been calming himself by writing out the Declaration of Independence, which he memorized 30 years ago. Surprisingly, that didn't work.
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