Liberal Superiority Complex


These are hardly original thoughts and plenty of people more able to convey words eloquently have written on the subject. But listening to the blather over the horrid, violent right, it brings this back to the surface.

Do you know what is really wrong with liberals? They actually think they are superior. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, with a straight face, they can claim liberals aren't violent. Very sincerely, they claim hate speech is all from the right (OK, some say just most is from the right). They think they know better then we do what is best for us in terms of health care, what cars we buy, what food we eat, what lightbulbs we use, how much money is 'fair' for me to make...

Despite their ridiculous liberal arts degrees that can't find them a real job, or strictly academic backgrounds with no life experience, they think they are morally and intellectually superior. They want to classify all conservatives as toothless, mindless, fat, rednecks. THIS is what inspires conservatives to laugh at libbies. Yet in libbies, it inspires the common elitist leftist contempt and dismissal of conservatives and their insistence on controlling our lives when they can't even begin to figure out their own. Thier reasoning is based entirely on emotion with no common sense or logic applied but perhaps this is because few, the academic elite, the young, have lived any real life.

Liberals are commonly known as bleeding hearts, supposedly altruistic, but give far less to charity than conservatives - unless they can use your money. Liberals are driven by envy, not altruism. They must constantly try to prove they are smarter by exerting their control over other people's lives.

It was Democrat Congressman John Dingell who recently said it best. While answering a question about the new healthcare legislation, he said “…it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people”

These are hardly original thoughts and plenty of people more able to convey words eloquently have written on the subject. But listening to the blather over the horrid, violent right, it brings this back to the surface.

Do you know what is really wrong with liberals? They actually think they are superior. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, with a straight face, they can claim liberals aren't violent. Very sincerely, they claim hate speech is all from the right (OK, some say just most is from the right). They think they know better then we do what is best for us in terms of health care, what cars we buy, what food we eat, what lightbulbs we use, how much money is 'fair' for me to make...

Despite their ridiculous liberal arts degrees that can't find them a real job, or strictly academic backgrounds with no life experience, they think they are morally and intellectually superior. They want to classify all conservatives as toothless, mindless, fat, rednecks. THIS is what inspires conservatives to laugh at libbies. Yet in libbies, it inspires the common elitist leftist contempt and dismissal of conservatives and their insistence on controlling our lives when they can't even begin to figure out their own. Thier reasoning is based entirely on emotion with no common sense or logic applied but perhaps this is because few, the academic elite, the young, have lived any real life.

Liberals are commonly known as bleeding hearts, supposedly altruistic, but give far less to charity than conservatives - unless they can use your money. Liberals are driven by envy, not altruism. They must constantly try to prove they are smarter by exerting their control over other people's lives.

It was Democrat Congressman John Dingell who recently said it best. While answering a question about the new healthcare legislation, he said “…it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people”

Here here. Now you've done it:

Breakingnews is licking his balls again. AD is kicking her cat. Vag and RAB are looking through all of Sarah Palin's old speeches to find something smartass to say.. Rockenwolf's lips are still moving while trying to read it. NPM is waiting for someone else to post so he'll know what to say.

These are hardly original thoughts and plenty of people more able to convey words eloquently have written on the subject. But listening to the blather over the horrid, violent right, it brings this back to the surface.

Do you know what is really wrong with liberals? They actually think they are superior. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, with a straight face, they can claim liberals aren't violent. Very sincerely, they claim hate speech is all from the right (OK, some say just most is from the right). They think they know better then we do what is best for us in terms of health care, what cars we buy, what food we eat, what lightbulbs we use, how much money is 'fair' for me to make...

Despite their ridiculous liberal arts degrees that can't find them a real job, or strictly academic backgrounds with no life experience, they think they are morally and intellectually superior. They want to classify all conservatives as toothless, mindless, fat, rednecks. THIS is what inspires conservatives to laugh at libbies. Yet in libbies, it inspires the common elitist leftist contempt and dismissal of conservatives and their insistence on controlling our lives when they can't even begin to figure out their own. Thier reasoning is based entirely on emotion with no common sense or logic applied but perhaps this is because few, the academic elite, the young, have lived any real life.

Liberals are commonly known as bleeding hearts, supposedly altruistic, but give far less to charity than conservatives - unless they can use your money. Liberals are driven by envy, not altruism. They must constantly try to prove they are smarter by exerting their control over other people's lives.

It was Democrat Congressman John Dingell who recently said it best. While answering a question about the new healthcare legislation, he said “…it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people”

I like this. It pretty much sums them up to a tee.

These are hardly original thoughts and plenty of people more able to convey words eloquently have written on the subject. But listening to the blather over the horrid, violent right, it brings this back to the surface.

Do you know what is really wrong with liberals? They actually think they are superior. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, with a straight face, they can claim liberals aren't violent. Very sincerely, they claim hate speech is all from the right (OK, some say just most is from the right). They think they know better then we do what is best for us in terms of health care, what cars we buy, what food we eat, what lightbulbs we use, how much money is 'fair' for me to make...

Despite their ridiculous liberal arts degrees that can't find them a real job, or strictly academic backgrounds with no life experience, they think they are morally and intellectually superior. They want to classify all conservatives as toothless, mindless, fat, rednecks. THIS is what inspires conservatives to laugh at libbies. Yet in libbies, it inspires the common elitist leftist contempt and dismissal of conservatives and their insistence on controlling our lives when they can't even begin to figure out their own. Thier reasoning is based entirely on emotion with no common sense or logic applied but perhaps this is because few, the academic elite, the young, have lived any real life.

Liberals are commonly known as bleeding hearts, supposedly altruistic, but give far less to charity than conservatives - unless they can use your money. Liberals are driven by envy, not altruism. They must constantly try to prove they are smarter by exerting their control over other people's lives.

It was Democrat Congressman John Dingell who recently said it best. While answering a question about the new healthcare legislation, he said “…it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people”

I think it is one step worse than this. Everything you see about libtards that seems inconsistent, is actually very consistent. The common theme is they are narcissistic nihilists who want to see the demise of this country. They are angry for some pathological reason at this country's fundamental greatness. They are angry at whites, especially white men. They believe that there should be a "middle class" when that really means "ruling class and everyone else."

20 years ago I was telling my friends that Liberals are like cancer from within. They are "progressives" progressing towards what?

Now you see this in reality. Liberals want to control speech, they want to control the airwaves, the newspapers, the classrooms. And you see they get FURIOUS when outlets like talk radio and FNC provide alternative points of view, even allowing a conservative to debate a liberal - how DARE they do this kind of thing?

Now we have the internet, and they want to clamp down on that.

Why all of this focus on communication? Fundamentally, liberals need to lie to their constituents in order to gain control. And in free society they cannot achieve this.

These are hardly original thoughts and plenty of people more able to convey words eloquently have written on the subject. But listening to the blather over the horrid, violent right, it brings this back to the surface.

Do you know what is really wrong with liberals? They actually think they are superior. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, with a straight face, they can claim liberals aren't violent. Very sincerely, they claim hate speech is all from the right (OK, some say just most is from the right). They think they know better then we do what is best for us in terms of health care, what cars we buy, what food we eat, what lightbulbs we use, how much money is 'fair' for me to make...

Despite their ridiculous liberal arts degrees that can't find them a real job, or strictly academic backgrounds with no life experience, they think they are morally and intellectually superior. They want to classify all conservatives as toothless, mindless, fat, rednecks. THIS is what inspires conservatives to laugh at libbies. Yet in libbies, it inspires the common elitist leftist contempt and dismissal of conservatives and their insistence on controlling our lives when they can't even begin to figure out their own. Thier reasoning is based entirely on emotion with no common sense or logic applied but perhaps this is because few, the academic elite, the young, have lived any real life.

Liberals are commonly known as bleeding hearts, supposedly altruistic, but give far less to charity than conservatives - unless they can use your money. Liberals are driven by envy, not altruism. They must constantly try to prove they are smarter by exerting their control over other people's lives.

It was Democrat Congressman John Dingell who recently said it best. While answering a question about the new healthcare legislation, he said “…it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people”

More false assumptions from an uppity rightwing shill.

Bend over and crack a smile for your ConCLown friends.