LG and JN

Only thing these two are guilty of is staying far too long at a company that doesn't value their employees. they far exceeded their shelf life and in the end,nobody retires here. Someone did these two a favor by kicking them out of the nest.

Only thing these two are guilty of is staying far too long at a company that doesn't value their employees. they far exceeded their shelf life and in the end,nobody retires here. Someone did these two a favor by kicking them out of the nest.

Seriously? This was inevitable and the divsion deperately needed to make the change! The fact that they were employed for as long as they were, was a favor to them

Those two don't realize it yet but getting put on "Admin Leave" before they drop the axe is the best thing that can happen to them. There is life after LCA except most of us are too afraid to go for it. Its a shame - two great people that did a great job just like many others that get the axe - they only get rid of the good ones. SMH - Gotta keep playing the lottery and pretending I have faith and respect for the Northeast Division leaders.

spot on.if these two were believed to be nasty to those that reported to them, they were simply following unreasonable orders and working conditions dictated to them by upper management. Crap rolls downhill as they say. Vast majority of people at llabcorp are too terrified to leave and that's what keeps that ship rolling.

spot on.if these two were believed to be nasty to those that reported to them, they were simply following unreasonable orders and working conditions dictated to them by upper management. Crap rolls downhill as they say. Vast majority of people at llabcorp are too terrified to leave and that's what keeps that ship rolling.

That crap rolls downhill is nonsense. Everybody makes their own decisions and can stand up for themselves and their team, no matter what unreasonable orders they get. Fight back, stand up for your team.. That's what a leader is! And people below you will respect and do anything for you. This was a them problem.. Don't blame labcorp or people above them.

spot on.if these two were believed to be nasty to those that reported to them, they were simply following unreasonable orders and working conditions dictated to them by upper management. Crap rolls downhill as they say. Vast majority of people at llabcorp are too terrified to leave and that's what keeps that ship rolling.

It could be a culture problem but they had a working brain to make their own decisions and treat people the way employees should be. they weren't very nice or professional in my opinion. Nor did they have any tact or business sense.

That crap rolls downhill is nonsense. Everybody makes their own decisions and can stand up for themselves and their team, no matter what unreasonable orders they get. Fight back, stand up for your team.. That's what a leader is! And people below you will respect and do anything for you. This was a them problem.. Don't blame labcorp or people above them.

Many a valiant person has tried to stand up for their people at that pathetic company. And when you do, you walk the plank. So those with dignity, self respect and a set of balls leave. Those that are scared little minions stay and keep cranking along the LabCorp assembly line.

LabCorp is only two things: a pit stop in your career while you look for a real job. Or a place to hide under the covers, fear for your income and do your job like a good little girl or boy.

Many a valiant person has tried to stand up for their people at that pathetic company. And when you do, you walk the plank. So those with dignity, self respect and a set of balls leave. Those that are scared little minions stay and keep cranking along the LabCorp assembly line.

LabCorp is only two things: a pit stop in your career while you look for a real job. Or a place to hide under the covers, fear for your income and do your job like a good little girl or boy.

Exactly! They chose to stay and drink the Kool aid while not standing up for their people. And they are gone now. Better to go down fighting then getting tossed out with the trash

Many a valiant person has tried to stand up for their people at that pathetic company. And when you do, you walk the plank. So those with dignity, self respect and a set of balls leave. Those that are scared little minions stay and keep cranking along the LabCorp assembly line.

LabCorp is only two things: a pit stop in your career while you look for a real job. Or a place to hide under the covers, fear for your income and do your job like a good little girl or boy.

I disagree that labcorp is a bad place to work or not a real job. It is what you make of it, like anything else in life. But I agree that there are way too many Kool aid drinkers that are followers and self serving agenda pushers. this is a for profit bottom line driven company in a cutthroat disloyal industry. This isn't the march of dimes or Red Cross.. the majority of companies in this industry operate the same way. Maybe a hospital lab would be better to work for as they get tax breaks, government assistance and benefactors giving to the hospital. Labcorp has no way of getting revenue other than on their own. It just the way the industry is for independent labs, cutthroat!

These two women set high expectations this is true, but they were fair. They supported those who deserved the support. At least they did not sit at home 95% of the time as does JJ, They did not scream or belittle or lie or cheat as JJ does. Keep talking trash when in reality you have no clue and LabCorp will do to you what it has done to them. Do not think your work ethic, your loyalty or your dedication matter because it doesn't. I would gladly continue working for them and am looking to leave because they are not

These two women set high expectations this is true, but they were fair. They supported those who deserved the support. At least they did not sit at home 95% of the time as does JJ, They did not scream or belittle or lie or cheat as JJ does. Keep talking trash when in reality you have no clue and LabCorp will do to you what it has done to them. Do not think your work ethic, your loyalty or your dedication matter because it doesn't. I would gladly continue working for them and am looking to leave because they are not

Sounds like a lot of excuse making and finger pointing. This isn't the sandbox, they failed and got let go. You should always keep your eyes and ears open for other opportunities anyway, even if you are happy at your job. There is no loyalty from any company nowadays. Work for the company that pays you the most for your time.

All I can say is LabCorp is at a loss without Janet and Leann, LG was LabCorp drivin, JN was right by the book, I have learned a lot with the 2 of them helping me with my every day job duty... I really hope to see them back.

These two women set high expectations this is true, but they were fair. They supported those who deserved the support. At least they did not sit at home 95% of the time as does JJ, They did not scream or belittle or lie or cheat as JJ does. Keep talking trash when in reality you have no clue and LabCorp will do to you what it has done to them. Do not think your work ethic, your loyalty or your dedication matter because it doesn't. I would gladly continue working for them and am looking to leave because they are not

Just clearing the deck for the new announcement. Everyone in NJ new this would happen when CE took over but u didnt need to fire them. Just put give teflon JJ the job already!!!!!

All I can say is LabCorp is at a loss without Janet and Leann, LG was LabCorp drivin, JN was right by the book, I have learned a lot with the 2 of them helping me with my every day job duty... I really hope to see them back.

I am sure they did all they could and it's too bad they lost their jobs. But the sad truth is, Everybody is replaceable and labcorp won't skip a beat

Carl told Jessica that she would take over this area when she got the AVP . She has told us all that. She told me last week the announcement would be made by the end of the month. LG and JN will be gone by mid to end week according to what Carl told her as well.

At some point somebody is going to realize when you give a person too much power (JJ) you place the company at a larger risk for a Union. Unfortunately right now JJ rules the roost so sit back and let it ride. Someday the mistake will be realized and by then you will have lost a few really great people. People who were loyal to LabCorp who were dedicated to the point of ridiculous but you know what LabCorp won't care