May i suggest, before you set sail for a 300 million dollar company, you do a much much better job at being a 100 million dollar company. Please do not offer a pipe dream of being the 5th largest lab when you have no clue the problems we have daily at a 100 million dollar lab. If the Board, which you are a part of, would like a true example of how mismanaged this company is, please call me for a ride-along to all my accounts and you will see what a disappointing job we do everyday. How can we possibly triple revenue while still making such bad long-term decisions is so puzzling! Please do not come to us with new plans to expand revenue until you fix the issues with the lab LIS. Please no more tests till the IT department is adequately staffed and the billing mess is actually fixed, really fixed. Please no more UHC numbers that only proves what a failure the initiative is and will be. Please, go back to the basics and stop promising the world and delivering a speck of sand...thank you.