Letter to the CEO


May i suggest, before you set sail for a 300 million dollar company, you do a much much better job at being a 100 million dollar company. Please do not offer a pipe dream of being the 5th largest lab when you have no clue the problems we have daily at a 100 million dollar lab. If the Board, which you are a part of, would like a true example of how mismanaged this company is, please call me for a ride-along to all my accounts and you will see what a disappointing job we do everyday. How can we possibly triple revenue while still making such bad long-term decisions is so puzzling! Please do not come to us with new plans to expand revenue until you fix the issues with the lab LIS. Please no more tests till the IT department is adequately staffed and the billing mess is actually fixed, really fixed. Please no more UHC numbers that only proves what a failure the initiative is and will be. Please, go back to the basics and stop promising the world and delivering a speck of sand...thank you.

May i suggest, before you set sail for a 300 million dollar company, you do a much much better job at being a 100 million dollar company. Please do not offer a pipe dream of being the 5th largest lab when you have no clue the problems we have daily at a 100 million dollar lab. If the Board, which you are a part of, would like a true example of how mismanaged this company is, please call me for a ride-along to all my accounts and you will see what a disappointing job we do everyday. How can we possibly triple revenue while still making such bad long-term decisions is so puzzling! Please do not come to us with new plans to expand revenue until you fix the issues with the lab LIS. Please no more tests till the IT department is adequately staffed and the billing mess is actually fixed, really fixed. Please no more UHC numbers that only proves what a failure the initiative is and will be. Please, go back to the basics and stop promising the world and delivering a speck of sand...thank you.

It's all about BOB. Look at what he did at Athena. Only the top people made any money.......

The fact is our investment group is out of their league. This is a new era and they are not the group to move this company in the right direction. Its obvious as we should be focusing on the vap and not expanding test menu. LC and Quest kick our ass at every move and counter move. We are going backwards and losing credibility. Home office is filled with people that have never experienced the lab industry, so we have a lot of dead weight and ass kissers. There is no heart or soul in this organization. No leaders, only follower's. HR is a huge problem. HR should be the check and balance of the company, but instead is the root cause of continued behavior that is taking Atherotech into the deep hole.

The fact is our investment group is out of their league. This is a new era and they are not the group to move this company in the right direction. Its obvious as we should be focusing on the vap and not expanding test menu. LC and Quest kick our ass at every move and counter move. We are going backwards and losing credibility. Home office is filled with people that have never experienced the lab industry, so we have a lot of dead weight and ass kissers. There is no heart or soul in this organization. No leaders, only follower's. HR is a huge problem. HR should be the check and balance of the company, but instead is the root cause of continued behavior that is taking Atherotech into the deep hole.

Excellent post. Fully agree.

May i suggest, before you set sail for a 300 million dollar company, you do a much much better job at being a 100 million dollar company. Please do not offer a pipe dream of being the 5th largest lab when you have no clue the problems we have daily at a 100 million dollar lab. If the Board, which you are a part of, would like a true example of how mismanaged this company is, please call me for a ride-along to all my accounts and you will see what a disappointing job we do everyday. How can we possibly triple revenue while still making such bad long-term decisions is so puzzling! Please do not come to us with new plans to expand revenue until you fix the issues with the lab LIS. Please no more tests till the IT department is adequately staffed and the billing mess is actually fixed, really fixed. Please no more UHC numbers that only proves what a failure the initiative is and will be. Please, go back to the basics and stop promising the world and delivering a speck of sand...thank you.

If you knew half a wit about how business functions at this level, you wold no be a sales boy whining on an anonymous internet board, blaming others for his failed career. Grow up, son.

May i suggest, before you set sail for a 300 million dollar company, you do a much much better job at being a 100 million dollar company. Please do not offer a pipe dream of being the 5th largest lab when you have no clue the problems we have daily at a 100 million dollar lab. If the Board, which you are a part of, would like a true example of how mismanaged this company is, please call me for a ride-along to all my accounts and you will see what a disappointing job we do everyday. How can we possibly triple revenue while still making such bad long-term decisions is so puzzling! Please do not come to us with new plans to expand revenue until you fix the issues with the lab LIS. Please no more tests till the IT department is adequately staffed and the billing mess is actually fixed, really fixed. Please no more UHC numbers that only proves what a failure the initiative is and will be. Please, go back to the basics and stop promising the world and delivering a speck of sand...thank you.

JM should have never been allowed to step in the CEO roll. He is a has been, clearly stated by his performance.

Great new marketing campaign but its too late. Too many issues continue with billing and the excitsting base has dwendled away. The company is taking too strong a stand on too many issues and it will bite them in the ASS! The Government is shutting down HDL and Atherotech is shutting its self down due to bad decisions and too much focus on EBIDA. Let this be a lesson, Labs are a service industry and you can price yourself out of the market when you are little fish in a small pond. Love to be a fly on the wall in some of the executive meetings as they watch the business dry up.

Great new marketing campaign but its too late. Too many issues continue with billing and the excitsting base has dwendled away. The company is taking too strong a stand on too many issues and it will bite them in the ASS! The Government is shutting down HDL and Atherotech is shutting its self down due to bad decisions and too much focus on EBIDA. Let this be a lesson, Labs are a service industry and you can price yourself out of the market when you are little fish in a small pond. Love to be a fly on the wall in some of the executive meetings as they watch the business dry up.

There nothing nothing and nothing anyone can do for Atherotech. You can constant disruption to your customer. We irritate the customer , patient and managed care organizations. Even in network we are not supported. Lab count down again this week a trend for the year. Shut the doors and turn out the lights.

All these new accounts but nobody is discussing the elephant in the room when these new accounts sign on. If they dont ask, dont tell, im being told. Well, 3 months from now they will ask and be pissed at me too. Let it ride management says, we need the money to grow the district. Ah, its all about the district numbers! These RD's are being pushed to do mischieveous deals...careful guys, big bro is just a call away and the eyes of T are watching...

CL is doing illegal dealings with clinics and should be fired. This RD is crossing the line and upper management lets it slide, turns the cheek and promotes ethical decisions??

So what is Jimmy going to do once everybody is fired that can be fired? He's cut the expenses to zero, but he's also cut the sales to below zero. In my book that cancels everything out and leaves Atherotech at zero, so he's really done nothing to improve the situation.

May i suggest, before you set sail for a 300 million dollar company, you do a much much better job at being a 100 million dollar company. Please do not offer a pipe dream of being the 5th largest lab when you have no clue the problems we have daily at a 100 million dollar lab. If the Board, which you are a part of, would like a true example of how mismanaged this company is, please call me for a ride-along to all my accounts and you will see what a disappointing job we do everyday. How can we possibly triple revenue while still making such bad long-term decisions is so puzzling! Please do not come to us with new plans to expand revenue until you fix the issues with the lab LIS. Please no more tests till the IT department is adequately staffed and the billing mess is actually fixed, really fixed. Please no more UHC numbers that only proves what a failure the initiative is and will be. Please, go back to the basics and stop promising the world and delivering a speck of sand...thank you.

Jim! I posted this back in April, didn't you read it? So much could have been avoided if you just would've taken my advice, why didn't you listen to me? Why?

mike mullen is the one that said we would be the 5th largest lab not Jim. but still him and bob and the whole board the ones brought this down they don't even care sure they got next job already lined up making thousand of dollars yr.
Atherotech, Inc. INSIDERS ON Board Members
Name (Connections) Relationships Title Age
James McClintic 13 Relationships Chief Executive Officer, President and Director --

Michael Cobble M.D. 13 Relationships Chief Medical Officer and Member of Medical Advisory Board
Other Board Members on Board Members
Name (Connections) Relationships Type of Board Members Primary Company Age
Robert Flaherty 30 Relationships Chairman of the Board Behrman Capital 69
Peter Jones M.D., FACP,FNLA 23 Relationships
Eliot Brinton M.D. 13 Relationships,
Grant Behrman 15 Relationships Member of the Board of Directors Behrman Capital 61
Michael Davidson M.D., Facc., Facp. 91 Relationships Member of Advisory Board Corvidia Therapeutics, Inc. 58
Charles Reasner II, M.D., FACE, FACP 13 Relationships
Peter Toth M.D., Ph.D., FAAFP, FICA, FAHA, FNLA, FCCP, FACC 13 Relationships
Prakash Deedwania M.D., FACC, FAHA, FACP, FCCP 13 Relationships
Robert Wild M.D., Ph.D., MPH 13 Relationships
Peter McCullough M.D.,M.P.H.,F.A.C.C.,F.A.C.P.,F.C.C.P.,F.A.H.A.,F. 52 Relationships Member of Advisory Board St. John Providence Health System --

mike mullen is the one that said we would be the 5th largest lab not Jim. but still him and bob and the whole board the ones brought this down they don't even care sure they got next job already lined up making thousand of dollars yr.
Atherotech, Inc. INSIDERS ON Board Members
Name (Connections) Relationships Title Age
James McClintic 13 Relationships Chief Executive Officer, President and Director --

Michael Cobble M.D. 13 Relationships Chief Medical Officer and Member of Medical Advisory Board
Other Board Members on Board Members
Name (Connections) Relationships Type of Board Members Primary Company Age
Robert Flaherty 30 Relationships Chairman of the Board Behrman Capital 69
Peter Jones M.D., FACP,FNLA 23 Relationships
Eliot Brinton M.D. 13 Relationships,
Grant Behrman 15 Relationships Member of the Board of Directors Behrman Capital 61
Michael Davidson M.D., Facc., Facp. 91 Relationships Member of Advisory Board Corvidia Therapeutics, Inc. 58
Charles Reasner II, M.D., FACE, FACP 13 Relationships
Peter Toth M.D., Ph.D., FAAFP, FICA, FAHA, FNLA, FCCP, FACC 13 Relationships
Prakash Deedwania M.D., FACC, FAHA, FACP, FCCP 13 Relationships
Robert Wild M.D., Ph.D., MPH 13 Relationships
Peter McCullough M.D.,M.P.H.,F.A.C.C.,F.A.C.P.,F.C.C.P.,F.A.H.A.,F. 52 Relationships Member of Advisory Board St. John Providence Health System --
. You're clueless....so what who cares

May i suggest, before you set sail for a 300 million dollar company, you do a much much better job at being a 100 million dollar company. Please do not offer a pipe dream of being the 5th largest lab when you have no clue the problems we have daily at a 100 million dollar lab. If the Board, which you are a part of, would like a true example of how mismanaged this company is, please call me for a ride-along to all my accounts and you will see what a disappointing job we do everyday. How can we possibly triple revenue while still making such bad long-term decisions is so puzzling! Please do not come to us with new plans to expand revenue until you fix the issues with the lab LIS. Please no more tests till the IT department is adequately staffed and the billing mess is actually fixed, really fixed. Please no more UHC numbers that only proves what a failure the initiative is and will be. Please, go back to the basics and stop promising the world and delivering a speck of sand...thank you.

"UHC Numbers"? Please explain.