Let's play a game: When did the following headlines run?


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“Documents Improperly Taken from White House Archives.”

“National Archives had to retrieve White House records” from private property.

If you didn’t know any better, you might think they were from the 2016 presidential campaign.

Remember when, in October 2016, House Republicans launched a series of hearings attacking the then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton over her emails?

Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, who now serves as the lead Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, fumed that “Hillary Clinton gets treated different than anybody else.” Another member of the panel stated, “This is the reason for this hearing – the sloppiness, the messiness, and the ability for a secretary of State to do something that shouldn’t have been done.”

Yet last month, the National Archives and Records Administration retrieved 15 boxes of documents and other items, including classified material, from former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence because the material should have been turned over to the agency when he left the White House, Archives officials said Monday. “The Archives has struggled to cope with a president who flouted document retention requirements and frequently ripped up official documents, leaving hundreds of pages taped back together – or some that arrived at the Archives still in pieces.”

More recently, in response to the House select committee investigation into the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol, Mr. Trump’s former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, provided hundreds of pages of documents, some of which came from his personal cellphone. The committee said it had questions about why Mr. Meadows had used a personal cellphone, a Signal account and two personal Gmail accounts to conduct official business, and whether he had properly turned over all records from those accounts to the National Archives.

Where is the outrage? Where are the chants of, ‘Lock him up?”
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“Documents Improperly Taken from White House Archives.”

“National Archives had to retrieve White House records” from private property.

If you didn’t know any better, you might think they were from the 2016 presidential campaign.

Remember when, in October 2016, House Republicans launched a series of hearings attacking the then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton over her emails?

Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, who now serves as the lead Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, fumed that “Hillary Clinton gets treated different than anybody else.” Another member of the panel stated, “This is the reason for this hearing – the sloppiness, the messiness, and the ability for a secretary of State to do something that shouldn’t have been done.”

Yet last month, the National Archives and Records Administration retrieved 15 boxes of documents and other items, including classified material, from former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence because the material should have been turned over to the agency when he left the White House, Archives officials said Monday. “The Archives has struggled to cope with a president who flouted document retention requirements and frequently ripped up official documents, leaving hundreds of pages taped back together – or some that arrived at the Archives still in pieces.”

More recently, in response to the House select committee investigation into the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol, Mr. Trump’s former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, provided hundreds of pages of documents, some of which came from his personal cellphone. The committee said it had questions about why Mr. Meadows had used a personal cellphone, a Signal account and two personal Gmail accounts to conduct official business, and whether he had properly turned over all records from those accounts to the National Archives.

Where is the outrage? Where are the chants of, ‘Lock him up?”

The noose is tightening. Her is my theory. He didn't really want the presidency initially. He did it to build his brand. Once he won it, he became infatuated with the powers and the important and influential people he met - so infatuated, he cannot let go. But now, his past shenanigans of tax shenanigans have been magnified and coupled with his pompous personality have aligned to very possibly bring him down. He would have been better off never running for the presidency - most likely the fraud would have continued going unnoticed. And if it had been noticed, the Clintons were his friends who could have shut prosecution down. In short, he got too big for his britches and ripped them apart.

“Documents Improperly Taken from White House Archives.”

“National Archives had to retrieve White House records” from private property.

If you didn’t know any better, you might think they were from the 2016 presidential campaign.

Remember when, in October 2016, House Republicans launched a series of hearings attacking the then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton over her emails?

Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, who now serves as the lead Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, fumed that “Hillary Clinton gets treated different than anybody else.” Another member of the panel stated, “This is the reason for this hearing – the sloppiness, the messiness, and the ability for a secretary of State to do something that shouldn’t have been done.”

Yet last month, the National Archives and Records Administration retrieved 15 boxes of documents and other items, including classified material, from former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence because the material should have been turned over to the agency when he left the White House, Archives officials said Monday. “The Archives has struggled to cope with a president who flouted document retention requirements and frequently ripped up official documents, leaving hundreds of pages taped back together – or some that arrived at the Archives still in pieces.”

More recently, in response to the House select committee investigation into the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol, Mr. Trump’s former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, provided hundreds of pages of documents, some of which came from his personal cellphone. The committee said it had questions about why Mr. Meadows had used a personal cellphone, a Signal account and two personal Gmail accounts to conduct official business, and whether he had properly turned over all records from those accounts to the National Archives.

Where is the outrage? Where are the chants of, ‘Lock him up?”

The world knows Donnie is a hypocrite asshole
The only shocker is the number of all of his zombie fellow POS sycophants

You union controlled public school graduates just don't recall one Sandy Berger, do you. He was Clinton's National Security Advisor who was caught stuffing National Archive documents in his pants to steal them.

I'll go with 2003 on the headlines.

what’s yours?

The point? The committee is examining what happened to presidential records that were supposed to be turned over to the National Archives at the end of the Trump administration and are presumed to be missing or destroyed. It is also looking at 15 boxes of materials recovered last month by the National Archives from Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., including some documents marked classified and some that were torn up. The Archives has asked the Justice Department to determine whether a crime was committed in connection with the documents' handling.

Trump has called the documents' return “routine" and “no big deal.” Is he shitting us? Taking classified records home is 'routine'? What is he smoking?

Records produced for or by a president through his normal course of official duties must be preserved for the public under the Presidential Records Act, which covers documents, recordings, photos, memos and notes. The records are housed at the National Archives and made available to researchers and the public to help understand what influenced a president's decision-making.

The committee investigated reports that records weren't preserved in the past, but now it has to examine new areas including: the records reclaimed from Mar-a-Lago; social media accounts and postings that were not properly preserved; official business conducted by White House staff on non-official messaging accounts that weren't preserved; and records that were ripped or otherwise destroyed during the administration, some of which were taped back together before being turned over to the National Archives.

Torn up and taped back together? Why would a president tear up records that belong in the National Archives? Go !!!