Lets name the RDs who pretend to work


There are some RDs who should be tracked. Funny how some RDs are always trying to catch reps who "don't work" but I know many RDs who fly in at 10:30-11am and leave the next day home at 2-3pm and call that a two day ride.

There are some RDs who should be tracked. Funny how some RDs are always trying to catch reps who "don't work" but I know many RDs who fly in at 10:30-11am and leave the next day home at 2-3pm and call that a two day ride.

Do you want them to stay the whole day? Stop bitching dummy! They dont need to stay for 9 hours to know that you can or cannot do your job. Douche.

Do you look in the mirror everyday and say 'i am a dipshit'? For god's sake, smack yourself in the head and say shut the f up dumb ass! Why would you want someone in your car for a full day. How high is your IQ?

In case you do not know their day starts when they leave in the morning not when they join you and they get travel time to go home. It is a company policy, if you don't believe me call HR.

I love cleaning my car out for field rides with my RD only to have him leave it a complete mess when he leaves. My child makes less of a mess in the car. How about being considerate and throwing the empty bottled water and wrappers jerk?

In case you do not know their day starts when they leave in the morning not when they join you and they get travel time to go home. It is a company policy, if you don't believe me call HR.

Does Reps day start when they leave house? My manager wants us to start calls by no later than 8:30am even if I have to drive an hr or more to first office. Funny how RDs get all fired up when called out.... (Company policy, call HR) haha

This game is gay and so it the one on let's name the reps who don't work! Seriously who gives a crap!! It's always some goody goody that wants to town someone under the bus because they don't think it's fair that someone doesn't work from 6am-9pm. Look just because you don't have the skills to have relationships with your docs don't be hatten sweet heart to throw people under the bus!!! Karma is a bitch!!

Does Reps day start when they leave house? My manager wants us to start calls by no later than 8:30am even if I have to drive an hr or more to first office. Funny how RDs get all fired up when called out.... (Company policy, call HR) haha

Yeah...company policy and call HR...do try that. Maybe you can talk to E.D. or D.B.M. the 2 most corrupt employees in HR. What a joke!

Call HR they have a handbook they will give you that says what is expected of employees. They are required to provide this to you. Why be afraid of HR or anyone for that matter. No wonder so many of you cry about how bad you are treated constantly. Grow a pair and find out what your rights are, if you don't like your rights then get the fuck out.

Call HR they have a handbook they will give you that says what is expected of employees. They are required to provide this to you. Why be afraid of HR or anyone for that matter. No wonder so many of you cry about how bad you are treated constantly. Grow a pair and find out what your rights are, if you don't like your rights then get the fuck out.

The problem with the handbook is that it is only for show. Everything in it is up for interpretation by a shady ZD, RD, HR stooge, or all 3. What a joke. Your answer is get the fuck out...no wonder this company is on a down hill slide.

The problem with the handbook is that it is only for show. Everything in it is up for interpretation by a shady ZD, RD, HR stooge, or all 3. What a joke. Your answer is get the fuck out...no wonder this company is on a down hill slide.

Question anything? Your not on board. Shut the F up and get to work. Yes no wonder.. This highlights the problem to a T

I don't even work for this company and already know its not a good place to work for rep or RD. The posts are fun to read though. Keep up the good stuff losers.

Funny Shit!

All pharma is the same. Access sucks, mico-managing RD's cause they have nothing else to do, nothing to talk about and no speaker programs.

This job has become a joke compared to 5-10 years ago. My guess is Shire will have half the reps we have now in 5 years.

Funny Shit!

All pharma is the same. Access sucks, mico-managing RD's cause they have nothing else to do, nothing to talk about and no speaker programs.

This job has become a joke compared to 5-10 years ago. My guess is Shire will have half the reps we have now in 5 years.

I agree. With all this red tape with sunshine and probably 4 more years with obama it doesn't look good. Its just not like the good old fun days now theres so much cutting on expenses with programs. I'm sure on the next 5 years will see more and more states turn into Vermont..... No reps allowed.