Let’s just pretend everything will be ok…


Are we really just going to pretend everything will be ok? Novitas and First Coast have a draft out there that will reduce the number of skin subs applications to TWO and all of our products besides Apligraf is on the NOT approved list.

Um… is our plan to HOPE that they change their minds?

How will the Quarterly updates sound when 1/3 of the country can only use two apligrafs?

This company has survived worse including a few economic cycles

Survive is an accurate word..This company just puttered along for over a decade… surviving… Sure they survived the Medicare changes in the HOPD, but only on the back of Pass Through. Pass through for a freaking collagen…. $12,000 for a piece of pig intestines and an anti microbial.

Everything else after has been a failure.

sales nose dived Post pass through. Saved by a 2nd pass through.

NuTech purchase- failed to capture any meaningful amnion market share. Operational disaster with Affinity. What percentage of the salesforce even sells NuShield?

CPN…. Anything else needs to be said about this dumpster fire?

Every win in this company has come off the backs of an economic benefit. Passthrough, Affinity non asp, XT non asp, and novachor non asp. All from the pockets of Medicare. And sales nose dive when this economic benefits disappear.

Unless ORGO has another way to squeeze more money out of Medicare, this company is doomed.

Survive is an accurate word..This company just puttered along for over a decade… surviving… Sure they survived the Medicare changes in the HOPD, but only on the back of Pass Through. Pass through for a freaking collagen…. $12,000 for a piece of pig intestines and an anti microbial.

Everything else after has been a failure.

sales nose dived Post pass through. Saved by a 2nd pass through.

NuTech purchase- failed to capture any meaningful amnion market share. Operational disaster with Affinity. What percentage of the salesforce even sells NuShield?

CPN…. Anything else needs to be said about this dumpster fire?

Every win in this company has come off the backs of an economic benefit. Passthrough, Affinity non asp, XT non asp, and novachor non asp. All from the pockets of Medicare. And sales nose dive when this economic benefits disappear.

Unless ORGO has another way to squeeze more money out of Medicare, this company is doomed.

what is a nushiel

Survive is an accurate word..This company just puttered along for over a decade… surviving… Sure they survived the Medicare changes in the HOPD, but only on the back of Pass Through. Pass through for a freaking collagen…. $12,000 for a piece of pig intestines and an anti microbial.

Everything else after has been a failure.

sales nose dived Post pass through. Saved by a 2nd pass through.

NuTech purchase- failed to capture any meaningful amnion market share. Operational disaster with Affinity. What percentage of the salesforce even sells NuShield?

CPN…. Anything else needs to be said about this dumpster fire?

Every win in this company has come off the backs of an economic benefit. Passthrough, Affinity non asp, XT non asp, and novachor non asp. All from the pockets of Medicare. And sales nose dive when this economic benefits disappear.

Unless ORGO has another way to squeeze more money out of Medicare, this company is doomed.
so the lobbyists are the best part about this company? HAHAHAHA

Are we really just going to pretend everything will be ok? Novitas and First Coast have a draft out there that will reduce the number of skin subs applications to TWO and all of our products besides Apligraf is on the NOT approved list.

Um… is our plan to HOPE that they change their minds?

How will the Quarterly updates sound when 1/3 of the country can only use two apligrafs?

Who has an update? I was going to interview but I need a job life span longer then 11 months.

Survive is an accurate word..This company just puttered along for over a decade… surviving… Sure they survived the Medicare changes in the HOPD, but only on the back of Pass Through. Pass through for a freaking collagen…. $12,000 for a piece of pig intestines and an anti microbial.

Everything else after has been a failure.

sales nose dived Post pass through. Saved by a 2nd pass through.

NuTech purchase- failed to capture any meaningful amnion market share. Operational disaster with Affinity. What percentage of the salesforce even sells NuShield?

CPN…. Anything else needs to be said about this dumpster fire?

Every win in this company has come off the backs of an economic benefit. Passthrough, Affinity non asp, XT non asp, and novachor non asp. All from the pockets of Medicare. And sales nose dive when this economic benefits disappear.

Unless ORGO has another way to squeeze more money out of Medicare, this company is doomed.

this person knows

Survive is an accurate word..This company just puttered along for over a decade… surviving… Sure they survived the Medicare changes in the HOPD, but only on the back of Pass Through. Pass through for a freaking collagen…. $12,000 for a piece of pig intestines and an anti microbial.

Everything else after has been a failure.

sales nose dived Post pass through. Saved by a 2nd pass through.

NuTech purchase- failed to capture any meaningful amnion market share. Operational disaster with Affinity. What percentage of the salesforce even sells NuShield?

CPN…. Anything else needs to be said about this dumpster fire?

Every win in this company has come off the backs of an economic benefit. Passthrough, Affinity non asp, XT non asp, and novachor non asp. All from the pockets of Medicare. And sales nose dive when this economic benefits disappear.

Unless ORGO has another way to squeeze more money out of Medicare, this company is doomed.

Bioscience was a good purchas. U did destroy it but dme will be cashcow when you cant use grafts or squeeze tax payers. Org will have more managers then salespeople after your next go around with layoffs. . .

Bioscience was a good purchas. U did destroy it but dme will be cashcow when you cant use grafts or squeeze tax payers. Org will have more managers then salespeople after your next go around with layoffs. . .

The problem is that they had competing interests between CPN and the amnion business. Also, I'm not too sure that DME would be a slam dunk with how both Healogics and Restorix are limiting DME options on iHeal, restorix having a "preferred" vendor in Byram that is de facto providing kickbacks, and Healogics instituting Healogics at Home DME, which is just them restricting PT/DR choice to make a buck off of poor quality knock off products