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Let’s gooooo


Sotyktu is a great product. Otezla reps are on here bashing it because they may have had to actually get off the couch and attend a lunch instead of shipping food all over the territory. So there was a decline, so what? It’s one of the hottest summers on record. We can pull this through. The company is backing us. Let’s show them they made the right choice! Tyk tyk BOOM!


Easy sparky. The results over the last year suck donkey d**k. Stop getting excited

They only look badly because our goals were astronomical. Other than that the product is great. Let's be honest. It is the JAK confusion that is holding us back. Our own speakers keep stating that it is a JAK. If we could get them to humble themselves a little bit and take constructive feedback we would be set. I am thankful to have this job. We have to change our mindset. We can do this. We have a great team.

They only look badly because our goals were astronomical. Other than that the product is great. Let's be honest. It is the JAK confusion that is holding us back. Our own speakers keep stating that it is a JAK. If we could get them to humble themselves a little bit and take constructive feedback we would be set. I am thankful to have this job. We have to change our mindset. We can do this. We have a great team.
It is a JAK, dumbass.

It is a JAK, dumbass.

It’s in the family. Because it binds to the regulatory domain Sotyktu doesn’t cause all of the side effects that a JAK would cause. If the side effect profile is less and the way in which the MOA works is different than a JAK it’s not a JAK. This is a great drug. Time to be thankful we have jobs after all of the job cuts and go make this drug a success.

We are all a bunch of JAKasses

Well if you don’t see the difference between the two then yes but I would rather not be lumped in that category. We took the job and if we are failing it’s our fault. So we are the ones that need to do better. It won’t come from hounding offices. It won’t come from even more coaching from managers. It comes from us.