Let’s face it. The Danes want their Money


The US sales force brings in over 60% of Novo Nordisk revenue. They know they would starve to death without us out selling in the field. COVID-19 cases are exploding but no plans to sit us back at home. More interested in driving profits than protecting employees. No doubt when all this is in the rear view mirror they will lay some of us off anyway. How many US employees will be sickened or die from COVID-19 in the name of profit. 11 billion in the bank and yet we are virtually the only Pharma Company back in the field. Profit, profit, profit. Parasitic relationship. We bring in the revenue and they pad their bank accounts. Simply amazing. Benefit costs increase, retirement age increase, company car increase although quality of the cars decrease. Novo fell out of the top 10 Pharma companies to work for. Yearly survey canceled not that much changed with input from survey results. The phrase “You should be thankful to have a job” is popular again although count the number of scripts you bring in by WAC and you are more than paying for yourself. Corporate greed at its finest.

The US sales force brings in over 60% of Novo Nordisk revenue. They know they would starve to death without us out selling in the field. COVID-19 cases are exploding but no plans to sit us back at home. More interested in driving profits than protecting employees. No doubt when all this is in the rear view mirror they will lay some of us off anyway. How many US employees will be sickened or die from COVID-19 in the name of profit. 11 billion in the bank and yet we are virtually the only Pharma Company back in the field. Profit, profit, profit. Parasitic relationship. We bring in the revenue and they pad their bank accounts. Simply amazing. Benefit costs increase, retirement age increase, company car increase although quality of the cars decrease. Novo fell out of the top 10 Pharma companies to work for. Yearly survey canceled not that much changed with input from survey results. The phrase “You should be thankful to have a job” is popular again although count the number of scripts you bring in by WAC and you are more than paying for yourself. Corporate greed at its finest.

Lots of companies back in the field now. We aren’t alone, at least in my state. If you really feel like you’re being put at excessive risk, ranting on CP isn’t going to fix it. Try something else.

Lots of companies back in the field now. We aren’t alone, at least in my state. If you really feel like you’re being put at excessive risk, ranting on CP isn’t going to fix it. Try something else.

We don't have any official representation. HR works for the benefit of corporate. The lawyers took away our ability to form a class action in order to receive our bonus. If someone had the nerve to speak up, they'd be the next on the chopping block.

That's how it works in corporate America.

Note, that the Danes themselves would never stand for this. Danish Novo employees have union representation. That's why they get 6 months severance for 3 years service, while we get 6 weeks.

Until this country starts putting employees back at the center of labor relations, we will be at an enormous disadvantage and this type of running rough shod over employees will continue.

Many other companies are back in the field, and I think the OP's post is a bit disingenuous, as NNI has made it very clear that reps should be doing virtual when possible, not going into offices unless you are sampling, etc. If you have a health or safety concern ( i.e., geriatric parent, immunosuppressed family member at home with you) we have options for that as well. I feel fine with it, as a company I'm not sure what the options are outside of easing us back in to the field like this.