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Legacy Wyeth is the problem with Institutional Sales


The problems began in this division when the Wyeth people were absorbed. Should have fired them all like the rest of Wyeth and there would be no need to down size now.

The problems began in this division when the Wyeth people were absorbed. Should have fired them all like the rest of Wyeth and there would be no need to down size now.

Look around. L-Pfizer held the cards for the last 2 years in reps, DMs, RMs and VP. Now Geno had to bring in a woman to do a Pfizer man's job!

JS symbolizes L-Pfizer, all looks no brains.

LOTS of blame to go around from both legacy groups but the number one problem remains the lawyers. They have killed the culture of selling. In it's place is a cult of activity and no one is a more devout follower than the legacy Pfizer leadership. Do 30 speaker programs with absolutely ZERO new data, spend $100k, bring in 125 retired dentists, and you get a good GPM score. That is a sickness but it is the culture. Taking calculated risks will get you canned.

I was legacy Pharmacia and never saw so much focus on activity vs sales when we came over to Pfizer. Their own Legacy culture destroyed them, not Park Davis, not Pharmacia, not Wyeth, not King!!!

LOTS of blame to go around from both legacy groups but the number one problem remains the lawyers. They have killed the culture of selling. In it's place is a cult of activity and no one is a more devout follower than the legacy Pfizer leadership. Do 30 speaker programs with absolutely ZERO new data, spend $100k, bring in 125 retired dentists, and you get a good GPM score. That is a sickness but it is the culture. Taking calculated risks will get you canned.

And here is the truth. Let's see if Liz has the balls to stand up against the legal team running Pfizer.

JS had a few outside sales deals to close, including Product x and with all the resources of Pfizer he could not close the deal. There's your problem and it did not come from Wyeth. Instead it was politically appointed from Pfizer. It's the same problem with the rest of the company.

Just like Wyeth legacy destroyed the Psych division, huh idiot?

Pfizer destroys itself. Just accept that FACT. Pfizer runs like a parasitic government and not like a business. It steals the wealth from others, pays itself handsomely, and when the money runs out they just steal some more from the productive.

Pfizer is a useless parasite and should have died off a long time ago.

The funniest part is legacy Pfizer people are convinced that they are paid top dollar in the industry. They really believe it. Look around, you are paid at just above entry point by position for all the companies you took over and bleed dry.

Can Wyeth get its company back yet? On 12/1/2011 the top selling products will be legacy Wyeth's.

Meanwhile, the Pfizer CEO Kindler has since been fired in the last two years and the legacy Pfizer organization is undergoing a major downsizing.

I think we know where the blame rests.

I've been told that the legacy Wyeth reps will be decimated this week. Now that their severance deal expired, putting them out with the trash on thursday is where 90% of them will end up. All they brought was bad attitudes and a lethal drug!!

I've been told that the legacy Wyeth reps will be decimated this week. Now that their severance deal expired, putting them out with the trash on thursday is where 90% of them will end up. All they brought was bad attitudes and a lethal drug!!

Actually, if you had a clue you would know that the Pfizer severance is better than the Wyeth deal. Go ahead, Make My Day.

Move on people!

There is life outside of Wyeth/Pfizer, etc. !

Get out while you can...before the INDUSTRY/US health care crisis PUSHES YOU out!

Take care!

Really? I never heard that before.

Do you have a job that will pay me 6 figures and can actually promise it for the next 20 years? No, then shut up until you do. Because no jobs can do that. So what's the difference? Thanks for nothing.

Take care.

Really? I never heard that before.

Do you have a job that will pay me 6 figures and can actually promise it for the next 20 years? No, then shut up until you do. Because no jobs can do that. So what's the difference? Thanks for nothing.

Take care.

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Lifetime Union-like Entitlements. Pass it on.