Left Training

At least someone was finally smart enough to leave early. Exodus are just going to keep on until the company realizes that they are doing something wrong. No one in upper management will take blame...it's just the reps. Well it's a great time to find another job at the beginning of the year I am sure many more will be leaving for better opportunities in the near future.

There were 5 in the past year to leave during training. Let's see how many drop off at the next training! Oh wait we got a new trainer a year ago...Gina! Wow doesn't anyone see that as an indicator. Her own district despised her so let's move her into training to ruin new hirers! Advice to next training class keep interviewing bc you will be miserable, and Gina will degrade you bc she is so insecure and it makes her feel better! She is all about intimidation and fear!! I'm just counting down the days before I can get out of this. I'm tired of trying to sell markers..lol and deal with physicians pissed bc their patient got a $2500 bill.

There were 5 in the past year to leave during training. Let's see how many drop off at the next training! Oh wait we got a new trainer a year ago...Gina! Wow doesn't anyone see that as an indicator. Her own district despised her so let's move her into training to ruin new hirers! Advice to next training class keep interviewing bc you will be miserable, and Gina will degrade you bc she is so insecure and it makes her feel better! She is all about intimidation and fear!! I'm just counting down the days before I can get out of this. I'm tired of trying to sell markers..lol and deal with physicians pissed bc their patient got a $2500 bill.

I'm going to have to defend Gina. I was on her team and she is an incredible person who I learned a lot from. For you to claim to know how her district did or didn't feel about her is bold and rude. I wish I knew who you were because I'm embarrassed that I work with someone who would attack another person on a professional level. You must be an angry little person and should go ahead and move along.

There were 5 in the past year to leave during training. Let's see how many drop off at the next training! Oh wait we got a new trainer a year ago...Gina! Wow doesn't anyone see that as an indicator. Her own district despised her so let's move her into training to ruin new hirers! Advice to next training class keep interviewing bc you will be miserable, and Gina will degrade you bc she is so insecure and it makes her feel better! She is all about intimidation and fear!! I'm just counting down the days before I can get out of this. I'm tired of trying to sell markers..lol and deal with physicians pissed bc their patient got a $2500 bill.

Haters gonna hate. Jealousy is a bitch. She is a class act opposite of you

There were 5 in the past year to leave during training. Let's see how many drop off at the next training! Oh wait we got a new trainer a year ago...Gina! Wow doesn't anyone see that as an indicator. Her own district despised her so let's move her into training to ruin new hirers! Advice to next training class keep interviewing bc you will be miserable, and Gina will degrade you bc she is so insecure and it makes her feel better! She is all about intimidation and fear!! I'm just counting down the days before I can get out of this. I'm tired of trying to sell markers..lol and deal with physicians pissed bc their patient got a $2500 bill.

I believe the poster needs to buy a mirror and a dick. Small complex. Gina is a class act. Former Promethean.

She may have been a good rep or manager, but she was a monster in training. People were crying and leaving because she was cruel and condescending. Perhaps it was not the job for her!!

Hope marketing works out!! If you did not attend training under her, you do not know what you are talking about. Training is supposed to be a safe environment to learn, not one where you are afraid to speak up!

She may have been a good rep or manager, but she was a monster in training. People were crying and leaving because she was cruel and condescending. Perhaps it was not the job for her!!

Hope marketing works out!! If you did not attend training under her, you do not know what you are talking about. Training is supposed to be a safe environment to learn, not one where you are afraid to speak up!

I was in her training class and did not see a monster. It was tough and it was a safe environment. What we sell isn't easy. If people cry in training they have bigger problems than the trainer. Like a previous poster said jealousy is a bitch and you should look in the mirror. It's easy to hide behind anonymous posts I would pay money to see you say these things to her face!

She may have been a good rep or manager, but she was a monster in training. People were crying and leaving because she was cruel and condescending. Perhaps it was not the job for her!!

Hope marketing works out!! If you did not attend training under her, you do not know what you are talking about. Training is supposed to be a safe environment to learn, not one where you are afraid to speak up!

Let the baby run to mommy to wipe their ass and nose and give them a trophy for just being on the team. Would love to see how this loser would've handled training under JD and the days of full product evaluated role plays at the NSMs.