Lechleiter's future


What do you think will happen to Lechleiter if Solanezumab goes belly up as analysts predict? Will he be kept or get canned? If he goes, how long after the results are announced do you think it take?

What do you think will happen to Lechleiter if Solanezumab goes belly up as analysts predict? Will he be kept or get canned? If he goes, how long after the results are announced do you think it take?

My guess?

He will refund the $6 billion to the company for the failed IMCLONE purchase.

He will rehire the thousands of employees fired to make up for the resultant lack of cash flow.

What do you think will happen to Lechleiter if Solanezumab goes belly up as analysts predict? Will he be kept or get canned? If he goes, how long after the results are announced do you think it take?

What will happen, you ask? Hey, thanks for the easy question. What will happen is that the stupid-assed Lilly board of directors will give him a raise.

Next question?

Let's face it, if there were positive sola results they would have released them by now. The goal now is to release the failed trial after the stock market closes on the right day so the chosen people can dump their stock off hours in foreign markets.

Things will tank but the rich will not lose a dime. People will be laid off and Lichy-boy will move on to ruin other companies all the while getting richer.

I feel bad for everyone. But hey. AAIC was a blast. "promoting and educating" about amyloid beta and all the wonders of removing it!!!! Oh well, at least that curly brunette at the booth was a wild one, and Vancouver will go down as an Epic memory of fun, fucking, and hormone
Filled rampages

When JL was named CEO, I said that I would vote for him for President of the US if he could fix the Lilly mess. Years later, he has not fixed anything, but he has lined his and other exec's pockets with money, at the expense of shareholders and employeed. Much of this money, by the way, comes from taxpayers.

American crony capitalism at its finest!

When JL was named CEO, I said that I would vote for him for President of the US if he could fix the Lilly mess. Years later, he has not fixed anything, but he has lined his and other exec's pockets with money, at the expense of shareholders and employeed. Much of this money, by the way, comes from taxpayers.

American crony capitalism at its finest!

Amen. Him and Bob Rohrman ought to do a TV commercial together.

"There can be only one John Leichleiter!"

Look at it this way my minions. As each day passes, Lilly is going down the tubes. As each day passes each of you are adding a few dollars towards your retirement. As each day passes I'm adding tens of thousands to my retirement slush fund. If my strategy works, good for you. If not, I'll do well either way. JL, master of deception

Look at it this way my minions. As each day passes, Lilly is going down the tubes. As each day passes each of you are adding a few dollars towards your retirement. As each SECOND passes I'm adding tens of thousands to my retirement slush fund. If my strategy works, good for you. If not, I'll do well either way. JL, master of deception