Here's my take:
You accept a job in Pharma. Good salary, good benefits, good job. The trade off? No job security. If you don't know that walking in? Shame on you.
Also, in case you don't know: This job can make you soft. In your head and in your work ethic. If you let it. A lot of people have. You know them. They are your pod mates and sometimes counterparts. Yet, there are also those 50 year olds who can still sell circles around the new hires and they are worth their salaries and tenures. They never got soft; they figured out how to beat this job. You should pull one of these guys aside, buy him a beer, and ask him how he did it.
But, a lot of pharma reps do get soft. They need to go. Everyone knows it except for them. They go through the motions but not a lot more. They complain a lot. They start to see themselves as victims. They bring down the new hires. Reach a critical mass of these people? Growth stops. Companies stagnate.
I've seen it from the field. I've seen it as a manager. And now see it again from back in the field.
Nobody in this company is "let go" unless they need to go. Ultimately, even they know it. Somewhere deep down.
It's the truth. And now you know it too.
Get in pharma or get out. If you stay in, keep your fire. Don't end up a "shuck and jive" Willie Loman guy.
Buncha losers sitting around a bar: "I was a pharma salesman once. It's a tough racket!"