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Leaving Merck Starting new job tomorrow


It is with great trepidation & sorrow that I have made the
following decision based on much research & due diligence
to finally step away after 33 long years toiling in obscurity for mother
murck making the leap to a new challenge & opening a new chapter
in my life because yes effective tomorrow I will officially take the
position of Aquaman where not only will I rule the denizens of
Atlantis but occasionally offer my skills to the Justice League
if you would like to visit please let me know & I will telepathically
summon a dolphin & provide transportation for you

Does the outside world have any clue how f'ed up were are? Is this just mainly a QA thing?

Also why do so many people defend this turd.

outside world knows nothing. women talk much more than men. they use the "I have a lot of guy friends" thing very well. they forget to tell hubby that hologram is one of them.