Leave or stay?


Without outing myself, currently working for a distributorship carrying Exactech and Arthrocare among other smaller ortho lines. Have a chance tonhook up with Mitek distributor...is this necessarily an upgrade? Cheers.

Without outing myself, currently working for a distributorship carrying Exactech and Arthrocare among other smaller ortho lines. Have a chance tonhook up with Mitek distributor...is this necessarily an upgrade? Cheers.

Slippery slope. If you can walk into a territory that has more marketshare already with implants and you can convert RF and get some pump business it might be good. If not grass is never greener in most distributors. They are all pretty much greedy bastards who will toss you under the bus in a NY minute. At least with a corp job big HR dept can save you a little.

Without outing myself, currently working for a distributorship carrying Exactech and Arthrocare among other smaller ortho lines. Have a chance tonhook up with Mitek distributor...is this necessarily an upgrade? Cheers.

the grass isn't greener with mitek. the company stinks and got worse when they moved to distributorships. seriously, anyone that thinks they are better then Arthrex is a homer. Yes the VAPR is great, but can you support your family sellig RF

Original poster here...yes my distributor is shady as fvck. Looking to move on from this bullshit, its been 2 years here and things aren't looking up, lost count how many times I've been thrown under the bus. And the comment can you support your family selling rf, you're right...i sold 500k last year in rf, and i sold peanuts in the ortho lines (no-namers/tier 3 lines: exactech, orthohelix). Definitely an uphill climb.

Don't listen to the #6 post, most guys that make comments like that are hard sellers that piss people off and don't retain biz. Stay away from Mitek they're a crap company with no vision, R and D is a joke and they spend more time worrying about their NSM than anything else.

Couldn't agree more about the Mitke distributor/agency sales model. All the money goes to the agency/distributor and the reps get less and less incentive (while still being used as a speed bump for the bus). Mitek corporate keeps changing the agency commission structure that, then, makes it harder for reps to make any coin. My agency prefers management by fear and only makes it into the territory for business reviews rather than sales support and getting to know the surgeons.