Leave it to Beaver!


Length of employment record set- New female employee in the East realized before her first day in the field that this was not the place for business minded folks that are respected for their selling skills and prospecting abilities. The only thing management wants around here are people who are satisfied with reach and frequency goals and checking a metric box. She also realized that HR was not a place she could trust so she left claiming medical reasons when in fact she left because of poor leadership and management style. Smart Lady! Or as RD would say, "Terrific Lady!"

Length of employment record set- New female employee in the East realized before her first day in the field that this was not the place for business minded folks that are respected for their selling skills and prospecting abilities. The only thing management wants around here are people who are satisfied with reach and frequency goals and checking a metric box. She also realized that HR was not a place she could trust so she left claiming medical reasons when in fact she left because of poor leadership and management style. Smart Lady! Or as RD would say, "Terrific Lady!"

Ron is a d-bag

Length of employment record set- New female employee in the East realized before her first day in the field that this was not the place for business minded folks that are respected for their selling skills and prospecting abilities. The only thing management wants around here are people who are satisfied with reach and frequency goals and checking a metric box. She also realized that HR was not a place she could trust so she left claiming medical reasons when in fact she left because of poor leadership and management style. Smart Lady! Or as RD would say, "Terrific Lady!"

The sad part is Beaver believes it was for medical reasons not because of his micro-, big pharma-tactics management style. Vin still hasn't recognized (blinders?) that this starts with Paul,Ron and Mark.

Nice job Beaver! You've finally managed out the rep in Chicago - to our competition no less. Did it ever occur to you bozos that the territory is not equal to others. Consider (1) the proceeding two reps left b/c one was terminated for "underperforming" and the other couldn't take the pressure and (2) the prevalence of the disease is not that great in that region. Hell no the data can't be wrong!

The first Chi rep was not let go because of underperforming. And no I am not him. He was let go because the marketing rep wanted to move back to Chi and they didn't want her going to the competition. So they fired him to make a place for her.

Not sure why the first rep was terminated, but the last Chicago rep was performing and sadly they severely micro-managed him to a point where it was border line harrassment. I'm sure he wont be the last rep to leave Viropharma.

The beaver makes Ron and Paul look bright! Impossible to make those 2 moron's look bright. Paul F, "We have a big number to hit and i have no idea how we are going to get there" WTF. We are screwed.