Leaked VEST wear time results



This slide was accidentally leaked by UCSF during ACC (extra slide to presentation by Olgin)

This slide I think really helps explain the results of the primary endpoint and could give more clarity to prescribers...essentially links it to wear time... wear it for more than 14 hours and it works

This ‘on treatment’ analysis will be published after the first VEST publication from Olgin’s group. Unfortunately the ‘on treatment’ analysis was not included in the original study protocol so can not be included in the same manuscript or released with the rest of the VEST results 2 weeks ago

What’s the difference dumbass? whether they wore it or didn’t the end result is the end result. Patients don’t wear the fucking thing because it sucks and it’s uncomfortable and alarms all the time. So the end result is the end result in the the real world setting, Whether they wear or it or not it’s still part of the study. Are you saying the study results should be based upon patient’s Durinibg only wear time? 24 hours a day? and that the end results should be applied to real the real life wear time setting? Wow you must’ve graduated from middle school at least! The bottom line is the device sucks, it’s uncomfortable, it’s expensive, and alarms all the time, patients get frustrated with it, doctors get frustrated with it, and the company counts five shocks for the same patient has five saves. When 90% of those arrhythmias would have self terminated on their own anyway. The company is a joke and a fraud. I’m glad it’s finally getting exposed !

What’s the difference dumbass? whether they wore it or didn’t the end result is the end result. Patients don’t wear the fucking thing because it sucks and it’s uncomfortable and alarms all the time. So the end result is the end result in the the real world setting, Whether they wear or it or not it’s still part of the study. Are you saying the study results should be based upon patient’s Durinibg only wear time? 24 hours a day? and that the end results should be applied to real the real life wear time setting? Wow you must’ve graduated from middle school at least! The bottom line is the device sucks, it’s uncomfortable, it’s expensive, and alarms all the time, patients get frustrated with it, doctors get frustrated with it, and the company counts five shocks for the same patient has five saves. When 90% of those arrhythmias would have self terminated on their own anyway. The company is a joke and a fraud. I’m glad it’s finally getting exposed !

Man everyone on here is so negative.

I'm just saying the primary endpoint favors the LifeVest when accounting for wear time. Of course no one expects patients to wear it for 24 hrs a day, but what I get out this is that if you wear it for at least 12 hrs a day, the benefit of improved sudden death/VT/VF will be significant.

Of course the device is uncomfortable, of course it needs improvement, but objectively I think there is value in the LifeVest and the overall mortality endpoint demonstrates this:

If you told me I had a 5% chance of dying in the next 3 months, and if I wore an uncomfortable $1500 vest I could lower that to 3%, honestly I would do it. That is the result I take away from the VEST trial.

The future published wear time data will help explain why the primary endpoint was missed. Total mortality is a big deal. Everyone calm down.

Also saying that 90% of the rhythms that LifeVest treats are self terminating, just shows your ignorance.

Man everyone on here is so negative.

I'm just saying the primary endpoint favors the LifeVest when accounting for wear time. Of course no one expects patients to wear it for 24 hrs a day, but what I get out this is that if you wear it for at least 12 hrs a day, the benefit of improved sudden death/VT/VF will be significant.

Of course the device is uncomfortable, of course it needs improvement, but objectively I think there is value in the LifeVest and the overall mortality endpoint demonstrates this:

If you told me I had a 5% chance of dying in the next 3 months, and if I wore an uncomfortable $1500 vest I could lower that to 3%, honestly I would do it. That is the result I take away from the VEST trial.

The future published wear time data will help explain why the primary endpoint was missed. Total mortality is a big deal. Everyone calm down.

Also saying that 90% of the rhythms that LifeVest treats are self terminating, just shows your ignorance.

You say "If you told me I had a 5% chance of dying in the next 3 months, and if I wore an uncomfortable $1500 vest I could lower that to 3%, honestly I would do it. That is the result I take away from the VEST trial."

CMMONN MAN! If a patient had a 5% chance of dying from a fatal ventricular arrhythmia they would not be discharged with or without the LV. The benefit is actually infinitesimal as shown clearly in VEST. AND the LV costs just under $3800 per month, not $1500. Quit inflating.

From what I understood $500/month is the cost to the patient... $3800 is the full cost per month with insurance

The 5% reduction to 3% is about what the overall mortality benefit was in VEST. VT/VF events are about 1-2% in these trials.

I can understand how some people think these margins are clinically not significant, but still if I was a hypothetical patient with a 5% risk of dying (from any cause), I would take what I could get... even if its a 2% improvement

From what I understood $500/month is the cost to the patient... $3800 is the full cost per month with insurance

The 5% reduction to 3% is about what the overall mortality benefit was in VEST. VT/VF events are about 1-2% in these trials.

I can understand how some people think these margins are clinically not significant, but still if I was a hypothetical patient with a 5% risk of dying (from any cause), I would take what I could get... even if its a 2% improvement

You’re a complete idiot dude. Keep drinking your zoll Kool-Aid full of deception, lies, and wishful thinking.

You are so from West VA, can’t hide the ignorance or class, which is zero! JB is a wanna-be from way back when, No other company ignored his issues, which are many. Zoll is blind to his actions, as he is just warm and fuzzy, as he says, lovable, lol, nobody wants to touch that!!!! So full of crap he cannot see his own limitations which are many, like poor verbiage and redneck management style he tries to convey as milatary! His Houmam Resources file is thick, let the lawsuits begin, or should we say continue.....

Last week I posted here that the true cost of the LV is just under $3800 month. The post was promptly removed. Will this one be removed also? Why? Is Zoll trying to hide the true cost from prescribers?