

We have way too many people in postions of power but lack leadership skills. Bring back Rob Meyering as Director of Sales and Marketing , give him untethered authority to make decisions rally the troops and watch your reps morale, work ethic and sales go through the roof.

I don't have all of the answers, but I do know that there is one word to describe upper management: INCOMPETENT. Okay, if you ask for three more, it would be: CLUELESS, UNDERQUALIFIED, REACTIVE! Good, now I feel better and can go get some sleep!

I don't have all of the answers, but I do know that there is one word to describe upper management: INCOMPETENT. Okay, if you ask for three more, it would be: CLUELESS, UNDERQUALIFIED, REACTIVE! Good, now I feel better and can go get some sleep!

Here are a few words to describe sales management: Spineless, Clueless, Kiss-ass

I hate KK and SP. That sums it up. Absolutely worthless and need to be sent packing.

Unfortunately I believe they will outlast us all. I held out hope for change for awhile, but things don't get better; just worse. Case in point, did you see your quotas today? Most of us aren't hitting goal (should tell you something about the goals???), most of us aren't making any money, yet they increase our quotas? wtf? You think it's bad now...wait until Sept.

Now resorting to scare tactics, threatening the reps into making sure this goes well. calling offices to check up and make sure you were there, checking on how many samples were left, make us send in trackers to be held "accountable", mandatory pharmacy calls. Dust off those resumes boys and girls it's about to get bumpy

Now resorting to scare tactics, threatening the reps into making sure this goes well. calling offices to check up and make sure you were there, checking on how many samples were left, make us send in trackers to be held "accountable", mandatory pharmacy calls. Dust off those resumes boys and girls it's about to get bumpy

Whatever. Could care less. Keeping a massive track record on all the illegal and inappropriate crap our manager does, has us do and keeps on doing is great. So fire us for doing our job cuz you will be thrown so far under the train with legal shit that has been kept on you. Go ahead, call our offices. Docs know what you are doing and love me they would whistle blow and throw B and L under the train too. And that paper they made us sign, wow, dumb move. Literally. Bring it

so why stay there? If that's how they are treating you. stop devaluing yourself and go someplace better. get out of pharma all together. there is no growth in being a pharma rep any more. gotta go boutique biotech or devices. get away from there and all big pharma.

Whatever. Could care less. Keeping a massive track record on all the illegal and inappropriate crap our manager does, has us do and keeps on doing is great. So fire us for doing our job cuz you will be thrown so far under the train with legal shit that has been kept on you. Go ahead, call our offices. Docs know what you are doing and love me they would whistle blow and throw B and L under the train too. And that paper they made us sign, wow, dumb move. Literally. Bring it

What paper they made us sign?

Lets see... Manage by fear and intimidation and threats, 10 calls a day 2 pharmacy calls(unrealiistic), umpteenth exams online and other useless compliance wire crap, 20 plus emails a day that are two pages long asking us to do more crap, several conference calls a week, 8 trackers, and 15 other useless reports to do and we are suppose to be in the field selling to our customers when?? No wonder the Lotemax Gel launch failed and soon will Prolensa running it like this BS! Hellllloooooo McFly at the top...anyone in there?

Lets see... Manage by fear and intimidation and threats, 10 calls a day 2 pharmacy calls(unrealiistic), umpteenth exams online and other useless compliance wire crap, 20 plus emails a day that are two pages long asking us to do more crap, several conference calls a week, 8 trackers, and 15 other useless reports to do and we are suppose to be in the field selling to our customers when?? No wonder the Lotemax Gel launch failed and soon will Prolensa running it like this BS! Hellllloooooo McFly at the top...anyone in there?

Couldn't have said it better myself. Work/life balance MY AZZ!
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