LCM or psuedo PST


When I was hired on as an LCM, i never once thought I'd have to perform PST duties as often as I do now. I'm even wondering now if I'll EVER get another PST for my location full time.
And just because I've gone through so many, does'nt mean that i cannot find one who meets my standards.....eventually.
Corporate needs to take judicial notice. I am about ready to seek council for breach of employment contract.

I feel your pain. Good luck with the breach of whatever. Rotech doesn't care. They'll just tell you to suck it up. There are plenty of people looking for a job and you can be replaced. You'll be told that as well. I feel your pain.
If you ever get the opp to leave, do so before you crack.

When I was hired on as an LCM, i never once thought I'd have to perform PST duties as often as I do now. I'm even wondering now if I'll EVER get another PST for my location full time.
And just because I've gone through so many, does'nt mean that i cannot find one who meets my standards.....eventually.
Corporate needs to take judicial notice. I am about ready to seek council for breach of employment contract.

You should be getting ready to seek out a clinical trial someplace to take away those fantasy stories you have of yourself. You know all REAL Rotech LCM's embrace a good challenge, not whine about them.

WRONG you idiot. re-structuring is never better. getting rid of CSR;s, sales, making lcm's become lsm's. getting worse, believe it.
LCM's will never get a day off, never get help, never get caught up. So my friend , the lcm who started this thread, hang on or move on. it won't be pretty. good luck.

WRONG you idiot. re-structuring is never better. getting rid of CSR;s, sales, making lcm's become lsm's. getting worse, believe it.
LCM's will never get a day off, never get help, never get caught up. So my friend , the lcm who started this thread, hang on or move on. it won't be pretty. good luck.

I would say it's the LCM's that are the "idiot" in this mix. Putting aside the LCM's that are stuck in the Rotech void due to a lack of any job within an hour of their home, any others that stay, deserve what they are going through.

A lot of the LCM's brought the wrath down on their own heads and their employees. How many times did they get an email where a new job was given them. Sure they complained amongst themselves..but they did it. The more they were given the more they did it...and the more they got even more stuff dumped on them. Let's face it..most lack the skill to triage what really needs to be done so almost everything was being done in a bad way. Causing even more stress on their location and it's employee/s.

I would say it's the LCM's that are the "idiot" in this mix. Putting aside the LCM's that are stuck in the Rotech void due to a lack of any job within an hour of their home, any others that stay, deserve what they are going through.

A lot of the LCM's brought the wrath down on their own heads and their employees. How many times did they get an email where a new job was given them. Sure they complained amongst themselves..but they did it. The more they were given the more they did it...and the more they got even more stuff dumped on them. Let's face it..most lack the skill to triage what really needs to be done so almost everything was being done in a bad way. Causing even more stress on their location and it's employee/s.
LCM's are the idiots?
Beg to differ. With all the many guys that have come and gone at my location, guess who's still here? And guess who gets to hire whom it is THEY like?
And guess who volunteers as company board moderators in order to limit things getting out?
Yep. I'm an LCM.......and PROUD of it.

LCM's are the idiots?
Beg to differ. With all the many guys that have come and gone at my location, guess who's still here? And guess who gets to hire whom it is THEY like?
And guess who volunteers as company board moderators in order to limit things getting out?
Yep. I'm an LCM.......and PROUD of it. sure do buy into the ...Wash - Rinse & Repeat way of saying things don't you ohhhh wise one from the "WEST"

The LCM's who really pull their weight and more at Rotech are more than capable to articulate in their manner of speach..unlike you who has a difficult time restraining the same old, same old...until the "real" you comes out.

One more time....yaaaaawn
 sure do buy into the ...Wash - Rinse & Repeat way of saying things don't you ohhhh wise one from the "WEST"

The LCM's who really pull their weight and more at Rotech are more than capable to articulate in their manner of speach..unlike you who has a difficult time restraining the same old, same old...until the "real" you comes out.

One more time....yaaaaawn

I think you mean.....ooooooohh.........aaaaaah.......eureka!