
No way is this true. The real rumor from Jersey is we are gonna be going through an expansion as our pediatric indication is bound to come anytime soon…. Nice try you Lebri troll! Now go back to your Eli board as your product faces another FDA delay.

No way is this true. The real rumor from Jersey is we are gonna be going through an expansion as our pediatric indication is bound to come anytime soon…. Nice try you Lebri troll! Now go back to your Eli board as your product faces another FDA delay.

You’re either just a moron, or a corporate pinhead trying to squash layoff rumors so reps continue working with zero resources.

We’ve heard zilch about the pediatric indication, and I’m not sure what funds Leo would use for an expansion when we’re currently in a hiring freeze…we also don’t even have any marketing budget left for the rest of the year…unless that’s also “just a rumor”

Corporate has been completely silent about the dissolved territories, lack of budget, unknown status of pediatric indication, no update on auto-injector…our last sales call was a joke. Why was our marketing guy sending out weird memes instead of addressing the elephant in the room? Why have we had no new marketing pieces in several quarters?

Anyone who’s been in pharma long enough knows that when there’s no communication from leadership, big changes and probably job cuts are about to happen

Gerald G from training was laid off last Friday. That’s not speculation. If you don’t believe me, try to send him an email or ask him yourself if he still works here. I am assuming there are more home office layoffs that we don’t know about?