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So, I guess they're going to wait until after the first of the year for the layoff's. I think it's just a ploy to debunk those who exposed the secret of executing the layoffs before the Holidays. Either way, layoffs are just around the corner. What's your plan B?


There needs to be layoffs. Too many reps riding together, doing lunches together, and having nowhere to go on Fridays.

So what's an acceptable rate: zero, 1%, 5%, 10%?
In my territory none of you sentence is true. What amount do think across the country does this go on? I'd put it less than 1%.

1500 reps in nation, so I'd say this happens ride along together nonsense is less than 15 reps. Do you not agree? what figure or number of reps do you see this going on? write your comments below.

So, I guess they're going to wait until after the first of the year for the layoff's. I think it's just a ploy to debunk those who exposed the secret of executing the layoffs before the Holidays. Either way, layoffs are just around the corner. What's your plan B?

Did you watch the most recent podcast? The one that talks about the need to make up the 100 million dollar+ budgeted shortfall in 2014?

I wasn't laid off buddy. Left for a real job that pays. No one allowed to use their brain at BI. Go sample some Spiriva or ride with your counterpart getting sigs. Hahhahbaba

I wasn't laid off buddy. Left for a real job that pays. No one allowed to use their brain at BI. Go sample some Spiriva or ride with your counterpart getting sigs. Hahhahbaba

Then why such animosity if you left for something better. I am confused, when I left that ho-bag wife I was done, I never even think of her again. I find it odd you would still come on here if you left for bigger and better. Write your comments below.