read todays WSJ Novartis Joe j. says it himself slash... to boost R&D funds
Novartis CEO: iPad saves time, keeps reps honest
March 29, 2011 — 10:49am ET | By Howard Lovy
The iPad is being promoted by Novartis CEO Joe Jimenez as a technological miracle drug that will allow sales reps to pitch to tens of thousands customers each year, save hundreds of hours, keep them more honest and even cost them their jobs--presumably a good thing for the company but not for the rep. This is according to a report in the Pharmalot blog, quoting from a note Jimenez reportedly wrote to employees.
Pharmalot quotes Jimenez as saying that the iPad "will make it possible for sales reps to save 250 hours over the course of the year and allow 'the entire field force to make an incredible 35,000 additional customer visits each year.'" As an illustration, Pharmalot's Ed Silverman points out that Novartis did axe 1,400 sales reps recently, then asks: "A few more iPads and perhaps a few more hundred reps will go?" Additionally, Jimenez observes that paper records leave room for some fudging. Electronic materials, presumably, are harder to alter.
It appears Joe believes reps are only working part time and that if he can bring in big brother to make them work more, then he can cut more jobs because of the increased productivity. Remember, I Pads have GPS location devices.
Wow! With that last attitude; no wonder this company is being looked at for mistreating their employees???? ya think????
Can't you disable the GPS, like you can on a cell phone?
Joe needs to lay off FLM's and MD's. What a complete waste of money. At least reps do promote products and the FLM & MD has to find a way to justify their jobs.
Or a real easy cut would be the REE BRM's . All mine does is piggyback on everyone's lunches & take credit for things like he made a difference.