Layoffs in R&D in Irvine?


Good morning sunshine; did you just wake up lol. This has been known for like 3 days

Yo Einstein- perhaps you didn't read my question numnut! I specifically said, "Irvine." Article doesn't mention location! Perhaps stick to your low brain requirement of sales instead of sarcastic comedy which you fail miserably at!

Ignorant twit!

The above post is amusing. I am in sales but I know how to spell numbnut, I don't end sentences with prepositions and I certainly don't sign my own post as Ignorant Twit.......which you certainly are.

Those of us spread from West to East Coast USA, Marlow and APAC are concerned. Meetings being put in for Monday. Just shows you cannot trust leaders who told us no need to be worried as there's so much work. Fingers crossed and