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Layoffs in McNeil / Consumer IT


How is McNeil / Consumer IT? Are there layoffs coming? I have a decent offer from Consumer IT, they say the bad times are behind them, future is bright, etc. I'm just worried they may use me for a year or so & throw me out ...


How is McNeil / Consumer IT? Are there layoffs coming? I have a decent offer from Consumer IT, they say the bad times are behind them, future is bright, etc. I'm just worried they may use me for a year or so & throw me out ...


The Directors who lead IT at Consumer are a bunch of self-serving phoneys.

Remember you're being offered a job that someone else once had. Either J&J got rid of them or else they left because they were offered a better position somewhere else. During bad times only the best leave and its usually because of bad management. You'd be better off to look for employment somewhere else.

Thanks for the insights; are there any layoffs coming in McNeil / Consumer IT? Also there seem to be a dizzying array of people in J & J IT all with similar overlapping titles, especially for IT GxP compliance, CSV, QA and related areas - is this by some grand design, or just a messy org chart?

Consumer does not have a good handle on compliance. The guys in the trenches are okay (for those that are still inside, I'm talking about JB and ST) but they are being given conflicting marching orders and new processes and procedures every freaking time the moon changes its phase. For my part, I got out last year and went to another validated company and have never been happier. There's a calm competence and a can-do attitude here that I never saw at Skillman.

What's with all these idiots from the old Schering-Plough company crawling into McNeil as contractors? They claim FDA consent decree expertise just because they worked at SP during the time SP got their consent decree (even though most of them had nothing to do with resolving that consent decree) - they are clearly suckering McNeil into paying big bucks for their so-called worthless expertise.

In particular, watch out for a moron called Wayne Ziegler - this idiot was kicked out of J & J (Centocor) years ago for non-performance; he then survived in SP for a while, till they kicked him out.

Now, he is trying to sneak back into McNeil as an overpaid Quantec consultant - keep him out, he is worthless.

In a word NO: he is not even close; there are already so many complaints against him, it is a matter of time before he gets kicked out - but not before he collects $385 / hr for bad 'advice' that McNeil will pay to fix down the road

All the bad ones have already fled to Corp. CN is now a VP and he brought his lapdog Ronnie with him. He managed to screw up once already and under his leadership the rats are fleeing the ship in droves. Seriously, people who have been in roles for 10+ years at Corporate are moving on (some even going out to an affiliate)--WTF?!?! If that's not a sign of bad management I don't know what is.