Layoffs 2-3 quarter?

That'd be a great guess. Whoever, you are hearing that from is a real genius.
What about this------I have heard it's nit going to happen at all. What about that wrench!

240 positions for Pet group only? way too low.

500 us reps in new JV. more than half in Pet.

I think in both companies there will be a 20% reduction.

Just an educated guess, we are safe for at least a year.

Thank you Tom or Zack for that "educated" guess.
The pink slips are being printed. Leadership just wants everyone selling hard thinking the end isn't coming for another year, so they will get a bigger bonus and package when they go. Generics are here. Doesn't matter how much we ship into retail we will lose. Ship is sinking. Merger is around corner. Remember our fearless leader's words "you control your destiny", so why go down with the old ship?

Agreed. Layoffs already happening. Even if closing delayed, US sales will be decreasing. No matter what Duluth wants to believe. Sanofi will demand major cuts before merger, just as Sanofi has reduced headcount in the face of generics.

Thank you Tom or Zack for that "educated" guess.
The pink slips are being printed. Leadership just wants everyone selling hard thinking the end isn't coming for another year, so they will get a bigger bonus and package when they go. Generics are here. Doesn't matter how much we ship into retail we will lose. Ship is sinking. Merger is around corner. Remember our fearless leader's words "you control your destiny", so why go down with the old ship?

According to all of you the ship's been sinking for years. I'm still afloat and sailing pretty damn well. Remember when you said generics would collapse our Heartgard brand? 34 years young, Baby and STILL #1!!!

Thank you Tom or Zack for that "educated" guess.
The pink slips are being printed. Leadership just wants everyone selling hard thinking the end isn't coming for another year, so they will get a bigger bonus and package when they go. Generics are here. Doesn't matter how much we ship into retail we will lose. Ship is sinking. Merger is around corner. Remember our fearless leader's words "you control your destiny", so why go down with the old ship?

Don't you know the executives are being paid big bonus money to tell us everything is going to be fine? They all have golden parachutes so they will be taken care of regardless. It is the lowly field reps who are not safe. After parts of our company are sold off there will not be as many jobs as you think. I'm looking for a new job now before the ship implodes.

According to all of you the ship's been sinking for years. I'm still afloat and sailing pretty damn well. Remember when you said generics would collapse our Heartgard brand? 34 years young, Baby and STILL #1!!!

You're right. I'm sure consumers will continue to pay a lot more money for something that they have to put on googles and fire up the chainsaw just to open. Consumers would never switch from the beloved Frontline applicator to the exact same "product" in a nicer box, better applicator, at a lower price, soon to be found in all the places they shop. (not just online at ValleyVet, etc.
Good you're proud of your company. Milking a 34 year old brand? Company reliant on 2 end of life brands for revenue. Try inventing something new.

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