I keep hearing rumors of layoffs in the 2rd or 3rd quarter. Does anyone have any information about possible layoffs?
I keep hearing rumors of layoffs in the 2rd or 3rd quarter. Does anyone have any information about possible layoffs?
When the joint venture is approved in the 2nd or 3rd quarter there will be lay offs.
Thank you Tom or Zack for that "educated" guess.
The pink slips are being printed. Leadership just wants everyone selling hard thinking the end isn't coming for another year, so they will get a bigger bonus and package when they go. Generics are here. Doesn't matter how much we ship into retail we will lose. Ship is sinking. Merger is around corner. Remember our fearless leader's words "you control your destiny", so why go down with the old ship?
Is half of the sales force going to be let go in July?
Thank you Tom or Zack for that "educated" guess.
The pink slips are being printed. Leadership just wants everyone selling hard thinking the end isn't coming for another year, so they will get a bigger bonus and package when they go. Generics are here. Doesn't matter how much we ship into retail we will lose. Ship is sinking. Merger is around corner. Remember our fearless leader's words "you control your destiny", so why go down with the old ship?
According to all of you the ship's been sinking for years. I'm still afloat and sailing pretty damn well. Remember when you said generics would collapse our Heartgard brand? 34 years young, Baby and STILL #1!!!