Layoff at the end of 1st Quarter

Whatever my friend. Keep stirring the pot this is cafepharma afterall. The best place for cowards and disgruntled reps to act tough. Be a big boy and find something else like I did. You will feel much beter about yourself.

I heard they are going to lay off some under performing territories and re-align the managers. Some info coming from the inside shows only 6 managers total and back to larger geographies to cover. From this news, it has been said to have only two east coast managers, one south manager, one midwest, one southwest, and one northwest. I am thinking they will squeeze the manager in FL up to NC, the other from VA to NY/NE. The rest is easy to see where the boundries will go.

Additionally, if your a rep, managers will be making the call on who stays and who leaves. Adam and Rick will make the call on the managers, most likely sticking with those who have been here the longest.

If this is all true, it's going to be sad for those new managers that have finally go their shot and will be left out in the cold.