Layoff are coming NBU ????


Nephrology layoffs are supposedly coming folks. Plans are supposedly in place for a Sensipar only sales force of maybe 80 SBR's and 10 managers. You all know how knowledgeble our GM and VP Sales are about our market place.... If you think about it you know where there is smoke ...........

No lay off's coming, I don't see anything happening anytime soon! Good stuff is happening with the company, new indications, more drugs coming, Amgen needs to keep all the positions they have!

Last time there was not the matter of a missing billion in Epo sales. Welcome to the real world... when sales go down you need less people. If you think 157 reps works w Sensi alone pull that head out of the sand.. Congrats on soon being a govt unemployment stat.

Heard the same thing back in March when they were ready to pull the trigger on 100 reps. Saved by the first ruling on NCD but label nailed us. See the sales going down. Hello

Then why do they have a position posted for Tennessee and Colorado? Interested in TN position, has anyone been called for an interview?

Nephrology layoffs are supposedly coming folks. Plans are supposedly in place for a Sensipar only sales force of maybe 80 SBR's and 10 managers. You all know how knowledgeble our GM and VP Sales are about our market place.... If you think about it you know where there is smoke ...........

Lots of folks see the ship is burning ..... Hope all the really good folks find great positions if they want them. The rest ...... well Epogen marketing is always looking for its "first' good person.

Between a "has been" GM and a no good VP of sales, there is a perfect storm has been forming here for years. The place is a mess. Everyone knows it but no one wants to admit to it. With Daly gone, the GM and VP of sales will have a much harder tough selling their lies.

Between a "has been" GM and a no good VP of sales, there is a perfect storm has been forming here for years. The place is a mess. Everyone knows it but no one wants to admit to it. With Daly gone, the GM and VP of sales will have a much harder tough selling their lies.

The correct sentence should be "between a "has been" GM and a "never was" VP of sales".

Boo hoo no more chairman's club trips with Maui Jim sunglasses awaiting you! No more warehouse dashes (no, wait, you'll be dashing in a warehouse) I need a price in lumber!!!
No is over...kaput welcome to reality and something I dare say in bldg 27 PATENT legal, quick!

How many SBR's does it take to screw in a lightbulb errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sell Sensipar w 3 price increases a year ? Provider market knows we are trying to load as many Rx as possible before patent is up. Strategic thinking there GM but its for patients right ????