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Layoff advice please


Had a question regarding layoffs. My DM has allowed me to
Live about 45 outside territory and I've been doing so since 2012. With layoffs probably done by a consulting firm like ZS Associates I'm kinda worried because that is one criteria they look at. How near are you to territory. My question is, should I get a Mail Boxes Etc address near territory? They would give me what looks like a real address. Then change that in HR. Would this help me or is ZS Associates too smart and they would see through this?

Had a question regarding layoffs. My DM has allowed me to
Live about 45 outside territory and I've been doing so since 2012. With layoffs probably done by a consulting firm like ZS Associates I'm kinda worried because that is one criteria they look at. How near are you to territory. My question is, should I get a Mail Boxes Etc address near territory? They would give me what looks like a real address. Then change that in HR. Would this help me or is ZS Associates too smart and they would see through this?

It won't work. They know where you live. You boss would find out. If you falsify information, you would be fired without severance. if you boss allowed it, he would be fired.

On the upside, ZS will probably rewrite the territory boundaries, so you don't know whether you're in your territory or not. It could all change.

It won't work. They know where you live. You boss would find out. If you falsify information, you would be fired without severance. if you boss allowed it, he would be fired.

On the upside, ZS will probably rewrite the territory boundaries, so you don't know whether you're in your territory or not. It could all change.

45 miles or minutes away from home may become 450 miles or 4.5 hours away.....
Trust me, you will be whistling a different tune.....

The decisions have already been made. Even if you moved closer it is too late.

Good to hear not far from home base......a boost to efficiency, cost and production!
Truth is some of the best are not close to home now!
But hey, what's the bottom line here?
Decision about what kind of changes?
One up, two up, three up, four?
Multi product bags?
Musical chairs?
What layoffs?

Safe is what we think.....

Three people in my area do not live on their territories. I think it's more common now than it used to be.

Of course... But will they stay come layoff time? My understanding is that closeness to territory is big criteria. So my question is would it make sense to change addresses and submit in HR? I don't see how this is illegal or against compliance at all. You are changing addresses.

Trying to figure out the formula used is really wasting your time...you've raised a good concern but what about salary differences between you and the next guy? or numerous HR factors (race, sex, age...), any 'ratings' done by the DM in past 1,2 3 years? Insurance coverage? ..

This isn't their first rodeo and the numbers have already been crunched so really may be too late to protect yourself.

Three people in my area do not live on their territories. I think it's more common now than it used to be.

If its taking you more than 30 minutes into territory it's cutting into field time, reducing efficiency while boosting operating expenses. When you hear 1 gallon of gas is getting near four bucks its time to worry. Add on tolls, car wear, higher insurance costs, bigger risks for driving mishaps it only gets worse...

Local territory = big savings and getting plenty more for the money...

If this is the plan its obvious it's been looked at by business experts and number crunchers....

It is a trend in the industry...ask around. Most companies no longer want to waste by throwing money out the window...

If its taking you more than 30 minutes into territory it's cutting into field time, reducing efficiency while boosting operating expenses. When you hear 1 gallon of gas is getting near four bucks its time to worry. Add on tolls, car wear, higher insurance costs, bigger risks for driving mishaps it only gets worse...

Local territory = big savings and getting plenty more for the money...

If this is the plan its obvious it's been looked at by business experts and number crunchers....

It is a trend in the industry...ask around. Most companies no longer want to waste by throwing money out the window...

30 minutes into territory....


30 minutes into territory....


I will say, hands down, most people prefer a local territory.......it's a rare rep who likes or can take the long distances (hour or more away) for long periods of time. Most start looking for other jobs if they're locked into it long term. Have met many during the years who have jumped ship or moved someplace else before they ran into big problems with the stress or weather dangers from long distance driving....

Have done both myself and know it's hallelujah-time when the nonstop driving ends....

Could someone please stay on topic? Should I get a new address? Anyone survive layoffs who lives off territory by more than 1/2 hour?

Yall see the irony by the op? Just an employee who wants to work. 30 minute commute? No big deal in my eyes. I wish Merck would leave trivial things like this alone. All the while we continue to have JOB SHARES. These turds cost the company extra $'s and they don't do squat. They shop during the day and their sales #'s suck. GET RID OF JOB SHARES.

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