Lay Offs


Start updating resumes. Hedge Fund owners not happy with 2015 profits. Look for for lay offs especially if you make $$ which at FSC is a joke anyway.

Good luck all and remember to take all vacation days before your leave. They don't pay for them even if you earn them. Sad

Good no GREAT! Put us all out of this misery that is FSC! They don't need to lay anyone off anyway. All they need to do is not hire anyone to fill the 6-8 openings they get every month. At that rate they will have no one left in half a year or so. I'm about to bounce myself in a bit and I cant wait to leave this POS company in my rear view mirror. Some people are just lazy to look, some too timid, and some so busy with their worthless territory that they are trying to make an honest go at it. Lay offs will prove to all what we knew from the beginning, we should have ran while we had the chance. PEACE OUT LOOSERS!

The POS is this ridiculous post by someone who knows nothing about what they are talking about

Good to hear from the little kids in corporate. My kids cub scout pack has better management then this company. REMEMBER, company owned by a hedge fund and what is the market doing. Going down for the people in corporate. Why is president in New York so much, reporting to the true head of the company and explaining why sales stink.

Just like the sales people, the management has no idea what they are doing and in the real world would never get the title they have here, but realize their pay stinks as well

Start updating resumes. Hedge Fund owners not happy with 2015 profits. Look for for lay offs especially if you make $$ which at FSC is a joke anyway.

Good luck all and remember to take all vacation days before your leave. They don't pay for them even if you earn them. Sad

Well this couldn't have been more wrong given the way things turned out

Remember. Company owned by hedge fund. President a puppet. Managers with the experience of kindergarteners. Corporate, managers and HR, especially, all lie.

Check out what you pay for company car, your insurance. Payments and the bonuses they steal from you

Start updating resumes. Hedge Fund owners not happy with 2015 profits. Look for for lay offs especially if you make $$ which at FSC is a joke anyway.

Good luck all and remember to take all vacation days before your leave. They don't pay for them even if you earn them. Sad

You were right! From Hell Technologies is cutting cost which includes the highest of these dirt cheap rep salaries. From Hell Technologies/FSC Pediatrics new CEO basically lied when he said they were not cutting the sales force on that national sales call. This wannabe pharmacuetical company is like a sweat shop factory. Time to abandon ship.


What shit bag company wouldn't just be civil and pay someone their sick days and PTO?! The pharma company my cousin worked for got 6 months pay and medical benefits as a severance package. Obviously your going to get nothing from here so I hope you saved up that $600 you got from last quarter bonus!

Geez! You would do better making sandwiches at subway!

Unless you are a complete scumbag and this shit hole was a lucky win for you - RUN Don't Walk, RUN!


What shit bag company wouldn't just be civil and pay someone their sick days and PTO?! The pharma company my cousin worked for got 6 months pay and medical benefits as a severance package. Obviously your going to get nothing from here so I hope you saved up that $600 you got from last quarter bonus!

Geez! You would do better making sandwiches at subway!

Unless you are a complete scumbag and this shit hole was a lucky win for you - RUN Don't Walk, RUN!

A company run by Michael A$$hole Anderson is the answer. Don't trust one word coming out of that lying geriatric old fart!!!


What shit bag company wouldn't just be civil and pay someone their sick days and PTO?! The pharma company my cousin worked for got 6 months pay and medical benefits as a severance package. Obviously your going to get nothing from here so I hope you saved up that $600 you got from last quarter bonus!

Geez! You would do better making sandwiches at subway!

Unless you are a complete scumbag and this shit hole was a lucky win for you - RUN Don't Walk, RUN!

It appears Joe Brown took your advice today. I know he has to feel good right now leaving this heap of sh!t company.