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Lay offs, downsizing,madness


Everyone at Eisai is in a place of uncertainty. Most experienced reps have been through a layoff but nothing as unsure as this.
Most don't understand why so many of the very experienced epilepsy reps were over looked for the NICM positions. Stringent requirements for job description kept some very valuable employees from posting for the new rplease yet those with a little more than 2 or 3 years in the industry are being asked to interview. Not much seems to make sense these days at Eisai.
Do they (management) only want yes men (minions)?


Mangement just doesn't understand what it's like selling in today's neurology landscape. They have denied what is going on in the real world and are using the neurology reps as their scapegoats. Management doesn't understand that no matter how robust the efficacy data is for Fycompa and no matter how many programs HCP's attend there is still a stigma associated with Fycompa. With that in mind doctor's are reaching for Aptiom and Briviact before Fycompa.

Mangement just doesn't understand what it's like selling in today's neurology landscape. They have denied what is going on in the real world and are using the neurology reps as their scapegoats. Management doesn't understand that no matter how robust the efficacy data is for Fycompa and no matter how many programs HCP's attend there is still a stigma associated with Fycompa. With that in mind doctor's are reaching for Aptiom and Briviact before Fycompa.

Hearing this I'm so mad I could just kill someone!

--current fycompa patient

Eisai is a joke. Layoff the top reps and keep a few losers. AB is steroid infested maniac. If you get through the downsizing update your resume because your time is coming.

This place is the joke of the pharma industry. Just now you are making "account management reps" or whatever fancy title you give it?! This was 2+ yrs ago for other companies and it's turned out to be a colossal failure. When you choose reps with little to no experience who don't have deep relationships with these big institutions you have zero chance of ever making impact. The Magnitude of this disruption will have lasting effects. Eventually leadership will realize this just as every other company has. unfortunately its become a cesspool where people who couldn't hack it at their last company come to carry out their bad ideas that defy even the most common sense business strategies. (Example 1 of 50, challenger sale, doesn't even apply to pharma business) Maybe if you actually had an HR department things like this wouldn't happen but you don't so you end up getting people in higher positions that either don't understand or don't have the knowhow to run a business. It's sad but leadership doesnt value or recognize top talent as they should. To those of the top talent who don't fall into a position here just note it's for the better, you deserve better. There are plenty of companies out there that treat their employees with respect and look at you through a value added lens. Best of luck.

With hundreds of reps being laid off and the constant merry go round of being in then out when is it time to call it quits on a pharma career. Very high risk high reward career with lots of people who just don't understand what its like to be a decent human being. The stress and pressure of playing the game where everyone knows what the real deal is but nobody wants to be honest with the ivory tower and get on the same page. How do we change an industry that used to be decent or where do we go from here?

With hundreds of reps being laid off and the constant merry go round of being in then out when is it time to call it quits on a pharma career. Very high risk high reward career with lots of people who just don't understand what its like to be a decent human being. The stress and pressure of playing the game where everyone knows what the real deal is but nobody wants to be honest with the ivory tower and get on the same page. How do we change an industry that used to be decent or where do we go from here?

Where do you go from here? With all the skills you've acquired? The sky is the limit.

1) almost any kiosk at the mall;
2) Sprint, AT&T, or T-mobile....you'd just own that sales floor;
3) real estate....go get 'em Phil!

Have no clue what they have just done. Fycompa is going to sink. The skilled passionate reps will no longer remain loyal due to not being interviewed for the NICM roles. The replacement reps will not have the relationships to get into key institutions nor will they have the product knowledge to actually sell and educate their new targets. Most of the MSS reps will get better jobs or any other job just to stear clear of AB.
AB was once a liked man,but now he is the most hated person at Eisai. Karma is a bitch. What goes around comes around. AB will be back working at Golds gym within the next year or two. PH will most likely be a motivational speaker or move on to a start up company once Mr. EISAI fires him.

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