When looking through my target list I realized I have about 70 targets down from at least 160. So I bring this up to may manager who tells me that basically if the only targets I will have left are ones that also have LTC potential for patch and reclast. Then he tells me that I am at a big disadvantage to my pod mates ( each of them has less tenure and lower ratings and 1 of them has a 1). I'm at a disadvantage because they are doing the mapping based on LTC potential. Because I'm cv I don't call on them so the others will have been calling on a much "larger percent of existing targets" then me and that is a one of the top criteria as to who stays and who goes. That just does not seem right or fair. To top that off hospital DOES have the opportunity to slide into a pc reps place if " they have been calling on existing MDs". So do the SOC reps in the area who are aligned around these LTC potential MDs. I also found out that hospital has had pc MDs on their target lists but in our area they were never told to call on them yet they too call on many more in an exhistingmteritory then me? They haven't even called on them but it looks like it on paper. Is my manager wrong. Maybe I shouldn't worry they are going to do what they are going to do...