
LC maybe will wake up! Hopefully it is the front line suing for harassment, sexual harassment, bullying. These lawsuits should be against LC for continuing employment of leaders with bad behavior then they should file civil suits.

Just the cost of doing business for us.

It's the cost of doing business for any company. Difference is for most companies, they try to minimize their risk and spend money to do so through a culture of compliance, in depth training programs for managers. Also, money is well spent on employee satisfaction. If youur employees are happy and taken care of, in turn they will care more about the company and clients will see that and be happier as a result. If your employees are happy and your customers, profit is guaranteed to follow. Labcorp does it the opposite way where they do turn mega profits. But it is through making budget at any cost. Not a formula for long term success. That is for short term money grabbers

Everyone who has been subjected to working under a dictator and fear for there job should sue the crap out of LC- hopefully Corporate gets rid of the Jenkins, Epples and Marucas of the company! I started in Atlantic and transferred to Jersey I think they all the same!

Seriously, are you kidding? The louder the bark, and the bigger the fake cheerleader persona with the appearance of supporting the corporate agenda, the greater the paranoia, the backstabbing, scapegoating and the lies, the more hateful and jealous, and vindictive the behavior, and twisted the hidden motives, the dirtier the brown nose....the more they love you and want to keep you. Other managers will immediately circle the wagons of protection for you.That is, unless your boss needs to throw you under the bus for his/her own survival.