Launch meetings great for OIG


If ANYONE has worked at another company, you understand the launch meeting we were "certified" on our new products. We were coached to certify on the PI, including the warnings & precautions...THEN when went on to formulate our message WITHOUT some of the things we "certified" on. Did you catch it? The government guidelines for legal detailing include ALL the things we certified on, and when we created our selling message, we left out many of the required things...Pure Forest tactic. Tell the OIG that all your reps certified on how to deliver a fair balanced message, then when they get busted by a doctor working for the OIG, they will throw you under the bus saying you were TRAINED/CERTIFIED to include all the elements! bye bye your job.
BE CAREFUL OUt there reps, many others are trying to take us down, and will succeed as Forest keeps trying to play their own game!!
As for the reps trying to protect your job by whistleblowing, add this one to the list, and keep you ENTIRE launch manual, it details it for the government.
Why can't we just play by the rules?