Launch Bonus!!

Based on the reaction of these offices, looks like our launch bonus will be pennies compared to what we were promised. 2K bonus will be generous.

It's a joke on how disconnected Rockville is from reality. $75 per script. Some territories may not even have a script for the entire quarter. That $10M projection that Rockville made for year end revenue for Qelbree is starting to make a lot of sense.

Just pull up a chair and wait for Supernus' greatest hits: Guys this is totally normal when launching a product during the summer, Guys all it takes is for a doctor to write one script and get good feedback and then they will erupt, and finally don't panic if you don't see a lot of prescriptions early on.

The fact that they are withholding Pathway Qelbree data from us tells us everything we need to know about where the psyche is. I bet everyone is going to get a guaranteed bonus minimum besides the field. This place is trash.

I heard it was only 27 scripts nationally week 1. They are withholding data…. Why? It’s suspicious for sure. The way they rolled out the bonus plan was unfortunate. They got us all excited and so far going into week 4 it’s concerning. I feel like they knew this was going to happen which is why they rolled a bonus plan out like this. I will be shocked if anyone has had 100 scripts by end of June. If they don’t give each sales rep a flat equal bonus of $3-$4K each then shame on them. Don’t be shocked if reps start leaving within a few months or latest end of the year.

Well, I'll tell you what, if the SF doesn't make a good bonus and they don't give us a minimum, lots of people will be leaving. Happy launch

you’ve been threatening to leave if you don’t get your way for the past year. You won’t because you can’t. Now STFU and do your job.

You are still here because you are toxic and a complainer and no one else wants you. Our model is young, dumb and hungry. There are 100s of realtors, cell phone jockeys, wine reps and car rental people willing to take your place.

I heard it was only 27 scripts nationally week 1. They are withholding data…. Why? It’s suspicious for sure. The way they rolled out the bonus plan was unfortunate. They got us all excited and so far going into week 4 it’s concerning. I feel like they knew this was going to happen which is why they rolled a bonus plan out like this. I will be shocked if anyone has had 100 scripts by end of June. If they don’t give each sales rep a flat equal bonus of $3-$4K each then shame on them. Don’t be shocked if reps start leaving within a few months or latest end of the year.

Try $6-8k. This is a fuc’ing launch.

you’ve been threatening to leave if you don’t get your way for the past year. You won’t because you can’t. Now STFU and do your job.

You are still here because you are toxic and a complainer and no one else wants you. Our model is young, dumb and hungry. There are 100s of realtors, cell phone jockeys, wine reps and car rental people willing to take your place.

this is the dumb a$$ investing in the stock.

you’ve been threatening to leave if you don’t get your way for the past year. You won’t because you can’t. Now STFU and do your job.

You are still here because you are toxic and a complainer and no one else wants you. Our model is young, dumb and hungry. There are 100s of realtors, cell phone jockeys, wine reps and car rental people willing to take your place.

hey loser. It’s not just 1 rep. This place is an antiquated joke. Go ahead and spend your time and money recruiting those “100’s” of people bc they won’t stay long either (btw it’s taken a long ass time to fill rep spots “looking for the right people” lol more like we don’t have any interest). Look at the rep turnover at this place! Not that I think supernus gives a damn but don’t act like people would die to work here. You’re lucky if they believe your lies during the interview process but don’t fool yourself into thinking they’ll stay. Now stfu and approve my expense report inbetween harassing us for bullshit feedback and success. Loser.

you’ve been threatening to leave if you don’t get your way for the past year. You won’t because you can’t. Now STFU and do your job.

You are still here because you are toxic and a complainer and no one else wants you. Our model is young, dumb and hungry. There are 100s of realtors, cell phone jockeys, wine reps and car rental people willing to take your place.

actually real estate agents are not looking to take our place especially with this real estate market! Are you a rep? What are your physicians saying because most across the country from what I hear are not impressed.

actually real estate agents are not looking to take our place especially with this real estate market! Are you a rep? What are your physicians saying because most across the country from what I hear are not impressed.

The only thing I keep hearing from my doctors is how are you different from straterra? When I go to my RD for help I get no direction and they tell me it’s a smoke screen…. If I keep hearing the same thing over and over from all my doctors it’s not a smoke screen it’s a serious concern that needs to be addressed.

I left Supernus recently, and I just want to encourage everyone that the rest of the world really isn’t like Supernus. Autonomy. Respect. Transparency. Money. Office days. No itineraries or trackers. No micromanagement.

Don't listen to them saying that no one else wants you. That’s just their way of keeping you there.

Good luck, friends.

I left Supernus recently, and I just want to encourage everyone that the rest of the world really isn’t like Supernus. Autonomy. Respect. Transparency. Money. Office days. No itineraries or trackers. No micromanagement.

Don't listen to them saying that no one else wants you. That’s just their way of keeping you there.

Good luck, friends.

I believe it. Transparency would be a game changer - Supernus is so damn secretive and straight up lies to us. I’ve had a few interviews and they’ve echoed what you’re saying. Especially about the itineraries and trackers. No one micro-manages and wastes time like Supernus.

I believe it. Transparency would be a game changer - Supernus is so damn secretive and straight up lies to us. I’ve had a few interviews and they’ve echoed what you’re saying. Especially about the itineraries and trackers. No one micro-manages and wastes time like Supernus.

Don’t you realize that physicians aren’t writing Qelbree because your DCA is dropping and your itinerary is not finely tuned.

I'm applying to more jobs every day than making sales call. I thought Qelbree would be truly groundbreaking but I should have known better. Too bad management lied/ botched this launch.

I'm applying to more jobs every day than making sales call. I thought Qelbree would be truly groundbreaking but I should have known better. Too bad management lied/ botched this launch.

you do realize you work for a reformulation company don’t you? All the bitching on here that you aren’t treated and paid like a biotech rep, the products suck, the launch was botched would indicate that you are missing the role of companies like SUPN.

they hire young, cheap and inexperienced. They get what they can from you. You get what you can from them and leverage the experience and move on.

or you can sit on the couch and bitch like Karen and expect the world to change for you.