Laughing stock of sales

Lying Graham

Loser reps continue to blow themselves by posting awards and meetings on social media. How about a little awareness you insecure f*cks? Your leadership and shitty numbers have lost people millions of dollars and put hundreds on the unemployment line. The stock has been less than dollar for almost a year and yet the company continues to spend money on lavish meetings, trips, and awards. Wake the f*ck up!
And for those losers craving attention. Akebia is a shit stain on any resume. You winning an akebia award is the equivalent of being the tallest midget in the room. No one cares! Congratulations you are taller than little Bennett. Hope you feel better about yourself some of your coworkers are still looking for jobs.

Lol. Daddy issues.

Loser reps continue to blow themselves by posting awards and meetings on social media. How about a little awareness you insecure f*cks? Your leadership and shitty numbers have lost people millions of dollars and put hundreds on the unemployment line. The stock has been less than dollar for almost a year and yet the company continues to spend money on lavish meetings, trips, and awards. Wake the f*ck up!
And for those losers craving attention. Akebia is a shit stain on any resume. You winning an akebia award is the equivalent of being the tallest midget in the room. No one cares! Congratulations you are taller than little Bennett. Hope you feel better about yourself some of your coworkers are still looking for jobs.

They are lead by an idiot. After laying off 40% of their sales force Butler was complaining to reps and managers about delays with his beach house construction. He griped about the $300k of windows taking too long to be delivered. Wish he focused on Vada like he did his beach house. Let’s be real JB and the rest of the clowns - it’s never been about the patient, it’s about you.

I remember the red wine on zoom while west coast still working and pompous asses at marthas vineyard during shutdown completely un self-aware. Preaching equity. What a joke.

What happened to the robust “pipeline and business deals” the leadership team was trying to sell people? Hope you’re enjoying your beach house JB. The shareholders continue to lose money due to your incompetence. Fuckin loser!

Another shitty earnings call and a reverse split on the horizon yet these dildos have a party to celebrate their incompetence. You should all be thrown in jail.

Lol. All about the patients. What happened to d-bags Graham and Bennet slogan #sellmore.

They are lead by an idiot. After laying off 40% of their sales force Butler was complaining to reps and managers about delays with his beach house construction. He griped about the $300k of windows taking too long to be delivered. Wish he focused on Vada like he did his beach house. Let’s be real JB and the rest of the clowns - it’s never been about the patient, it’s about you.

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