Late 30s rep here needs advice on career change.


10 years in pharma, and I used to be able to handle the ups and downs of this job (dumb managers, arrogant doctors, etc), and was awarded top sales awards twice during that time...but lately, I am just losing my sense of self-worth because of all the arrogant youngsters that are moving into management.

For the first time, I am seriously considering a change from this industry that just seems to take so much extra motivation to get out of bed.

For those of you that have felt this way, where have you gone?

I am considering of going back to school when the real estate market gets back into good graces (which I understand could take 3 to 7 years). I do have a house to sell if I go back to school.

However, I have no kids, no wife, and little debt, so, the situation is not that bad.

Just venting here and looking for some of you industry veterans to chime in.

10 years in pharma, and I used to be able to handle the ups and downs of this job (dumb managers, arrogant doctors, etc), and was awarded top sales awards twice during that time...but lately, I am just losing my sense of self-worth because of all the arrogant youngsters that are moving into management.

For the first time, I am seriously considering a change from this industry that just seems to take so much extra motivation to get out of bed.

For those of you that have felt this way, where have you gone?

I am considering of going back to school when the real estate market gets back into good graces (which I understand could take 3 to 7 years). I do have a house to sell if I go back to school.

However, I have no kids, no wife, and little debt, so, the situation is not that bad.

Just venting here and looking for some of you industry veterans to chime in.

i am in the same boat exactly, though I have been in for 20 years...20 wasted years quite frankly...what a bad career pharmaceutical sales turned out to be....terrible industry...of course, when I got into it, it was the best, friggin' shiniest rolls royce of a job you could score in sales...

i am going to beging online classes for a teaching soon as the housing market improves, gonna sell my house (primo area of southern california) and either rent or buy a cheap condo...

i will make about one third of the money i make in pharma, and am a couple of years shy of my 50th birthday...being a white male is gonna suck even worse in Hussein Obama's Islamic Repulica of Amerika too...

oh well...i will just have to redefine my definition of success. Corporate America is pooping me out its back end without the courtesy of a reach-around...

i just can't do this stupid job any is 90% BS busy work...alot of really evil, sinister people...
For the original poster, what are you planning to study when going back to school?

I too am in the same position, and am trying to explore other career options. I've considered going back to school for nursing or perhaps pursue teaching, as the 2 posts above are heading towards. I realize the cut in pay and will be okay with that.

Glad to know I'm not alone. It's not that I'm ungreatful for the opportunity I've had in pharma. It's just at the end of the day, I am completely bored and unmotivated to get up the next morning and do the same useless, boring thing I did yesterday, where it's become all about checking the boxes so management can check their boxes.
For the original poster, what are you planning to study when going back to school?

I too am in the same position, and am trying to explore other career options. I've considered going back to school for nursing or perhaps pursue teaching, as the 2 posts above are heading towards. I realize the cut in pay and will be okay with that.

Glad to know I'm not alone. It's not that I'm ungreatful for the opportunity I've had in pharma. It's just at the end of the day, I am completely bored and unmotivated to get up the next morning and do the same useless, boring thing I did yesterday, where it's become all about checking the boxes so management can check their boxes.

porn. got 10 inches.
Veteran here. 20 years in this business. I got into the business in 1988 after job experiences in nursing, medical sales, clinical support for a device company and utilization review. I was already in my late 30's. I have been observing all the changes that are occurring lately and decided to look for another position outside of Pharma. I was successful in a short period of time. I did take a big pay cut, but I know I will be happier. No job is perfect, but this job had become unbearable to me and the money no longer was a motivator to stay in pharmaceuticals. This was a difficult decision, but my career experiences were diversified and I knew I would be able to find something else.

Some advice to the late 30's rep-it is not too late to do something else. Try to get some career advice from a career counselor about steps to take with some other fields that may interest you. At the least, it will get your mind thinking about Plan B. These days, we all need a Plan B no matter what our current career.

oh well...i will just have to redefine my definition of success. Corporate America is pooping me out its back end without the courtesy of a reach-around...

i just can't do this stupid job any is 90% BS busy work...alot of really evil, sinister people...
One of most prolific thoughts on cp in a long time.

I'm upper 50's, female, being "driven" out of my job. All I ever wanted to do was sell. Now I have a manager who just can't figure out that some of us like selling and don't want to do the manager dance.

I have a territory from hell, stress out my ass, and have been told that unless I keep my numbers above 50%, I will be put on a performance improvement plan. I basically told her to bring it on...let's see what a jury thinks of age discrimination. NO ONE else in the company (or my district for that matter) are being told this.

Anyone have any thoughts?
Post on 8-4. I know of a rep who was in her late 40's and was driven out of her company too. She always was a great preformer, but crazy enough, her goals were jacked way up and she was put on a performance plan. Needless to say, she waited for them to fire her and she filed for age discrimination against her company with a lawyer that did the job pro bono. SHe won!! Not sure of the settlement, but she has a new job at a health insurance co and is driving around in a new mercedes.
One of most prolific thoughts on cp in a long time.

I'm upper 50's, female, being "driven" out of my job. All I ever wanted to do was sell. Now I have a manager who just can't figure out that some of us like selling and don't want to do the manager dance.

I have a territory from hell, stress out my ass, and have been told that unless I keep my numbers above 50%, I will be put on a performance improvement plan. I basically told her to bring it on...let's see what a jury thinks of age discrimination. NO ONE else in the company (or my district for that matter) are being told this.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Sounds like you have a pretty good case should you decide to pursue the legal route. The question is are you up for a long road? Pharma is well trained in these cases and it can drag out for a long time. My company has let go of many of our men over 50. They were either eligble for retirement but wanted a better package or they had met the "age +years of service" which awarded them medical benefits for life. All I know have chosen a package through HR once they knew management was after them with a PIP. This left no legal recourse. I think our compnay as several law suits with women so they don't seem to touch them right now at least in our area. Also the women do not make as much money as the men in general so that may have something to do with why the men are being sought after.

I applaud you for standing up to your manager!! With that said I would document all that is going on as I am sure you are already doing and decide your next moves. Do you want to retire, get a new job, retrain.... what do YOU want? You sound like a take charge women. DO NOT let this situation take away your choice and your power. The Best to you.
If you are in Big Pharma you may want to try small pharma--they pay better for experienced reps. I have been in small pharma for 10 years and am also in late 30's. I have enjoyed my jobs for the most part. As I am sure you know--watch your back b/c if your company wants you out they will try to find anything on you--clocking out early, etc. I wish you well.
One of most prolific thoughts on cp in a long time.

I'm upper 50's, female, being "driven" out of my job. All I ever wanted to do was sell. Now I have a manager who just can't figure out that some of us like selling and don't want to do the manager dance.

I have a territory from hell, stress out my ass, and have been told that unless I keep my numbers above 50%, I will be put on a performance improvement plan. I basically told her to bring it on...let's see what a jury thinks of age discrimination. NO ONE else in the company (or my district for that matter) are being told this.

Anyone have any thoughts?

First of all document, document, document. Save all documentation from your DM , specifically the emails, GAR reports or sales reports that document you and your peers sales.

Let's say Ms. Suzie Q whose 22, has the same issues as you with numbers/quota attainment. Ask her if she is getting any heat from the manager. If she is NOT You know you are being singled out.

Prepare Yourself. Be sure you have your resume updated and "out there" just in case you get on a PIP. Once people get on a PIP they are usually toast unless a miracle happens.

Other Jobs you Are Qualified For:

Smaller pharma companies (who hire experienced reps and usually have older experienced managers

Insurance Sales (they love pharma reps because pharma reps are educated and have lots of personal and business contacts

Marketing for a Retirement Community (actually a pretty fun job even though you will have a pay cut)

Marketing Home Health Care

Device Sales- Diabetes Meters/ Insulin Pumps
(OR sales is tough to get)

Selling Software Packages to Medical Office Managers


My advice is to hang in there as long as you possibly can. If they PIP you and it turns into termination at least you may get a package.
One of most prolific thoughts on cp in a long time.

I'm upper 50's, female, being "driven" out of my job. All I ever wanted to do was sell. Now I have a manager who just can't figure out that some of us like selling and don't want to do the manager dance.

I have a territory from hell, stress out my ass, and have been told that unless I keep my numbers above 50%, I will be put on a performance improvement plan. I basically told her to bring it on...let's see what a jury thinks of age discrimination. NO ONE else in the company (or my district for that matter) are being told this.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Here's another idea. If you can do It.

Find another area that has an opening with your company ( a different territory that you could feasibly move to or commute to)

Ask for a transfer (chances are this DM wants you out of his hair)

This will buy you time. You sound pretty close to at least take an early retirement package and it would be a shame to lose that benefit.

Hang in there as long as you can. Worst case, you will be put on a PLAN and it will take them at least 3-6 months to let you go. Wait for that package because it can really help you!
Be good to yourself, do something active to shake off the stress.
I was downsized from Big Pharma last year....and still looking.

As best as I can tell from research and other "field contact" feedback, from Jan. 2007 - Oct. 2008, its estimated that about 50,000 - 62,500 reps & dms will have been downsized nationwide. Simple math will tell you that avgs. to around 1,000 reps per state, naturally some having larger impact.

I am not sure that being a PHARMA Sales Prof. is the best career choice in 2009? Tremendous changes have already taken place in this industry, some for the better, many not; and PhRma (sp.?) guidelines will change again in 2009.

And it doesn't matter if you're for McCain or Obama, change is inevitable; be it good, bad, or otherwise.

The big question that I myself am contemplating and wrestling with, is what do I MYSELF want in 2009? and I am sad to say, it is leaning further and further away from the Pharma industry, per say, and looking more into specialization:
Dental, Veteranarian, Opthamology, etc. ~ Medical supplies, IT information, Specialty Insurance, Lab services, Cleaning supplies.

I wish you all success in 2009, where ever it may lead you.
It will never be the job it use to be and more and more companies will continue to lay people off.

I hope everyone finds a better future for themselves and their families. If you are close to retirement, hang in there.
Late 30's is still young to develop a new career. You could sell medical devices, chemicals, etc. or you could get OUT of sales and start something new.

If I were in my 30's, I would down size, lessen my load, go back to school, study paralegal work and then find a job with a Law Firm.
Or I'd go to Nursing School or PA School.

Nutritionists and Diabetes Education will also be matter who wins the election. Preventative Care will be Huge. Also check into running a Corporate Wellness Program.
I wholeheartedly agree - after 20 years in the industry - I am done - in nursing school right now - will then do part-time and continue np program part-time - physical therapists are in hot demand and pay relatively well
Let's face it - after pharma - nothing will compare as far as $$ are concerned (outside of any sales job) but you have to look at self-respect, what you are contributing and redefine what is viewed as "success" - it truly isn't always about more money.
late 30s and in industry long time and being managed out by my DM. she is very nitpicky constantly coaching on ride alongs nothing is good, and doing the same to all older reps in district. I have decided to get a teaching degree. the money is not as good, but I like 3 months of summer off and holidays off and with the pharma backgroud teaching science. I am tired of this fake pharma job, being nice and feeding the fat offices cows, nt being able to see hardly any drs anymore, and then having them be rude half the time. I am also tired of the greedy pharma industry, how many billions do these companies need to rake in while they stick us with roommates at POAs? How about the CEOs raking in $20-30mil and then layoff their sales forces? No job security. I am out of here! I hope Obama does socialize medicine so the greedy pharma companies get theirs.