Last year a "1" and this year Presidents Club?


What happens if you got a 1 on your PMP last year and this year you make Presidents Club? Do you get the "boot" in April with money or get the trip and get put out upon returning home?

What happens if you got a 1 on your PMP last year and this year you make Presidents Club? Do you get the "boot" in April with money or get the trip and get put out upon returning home?

WHOA back off the peyote my friend! Would you WANT the trip?....for me (let go in 2010) they were always miserable. My 3 President's Clubs and Cornerstone award were really just dumb luck! Goaling looking the other way I guess. You are taxed on it anyway. if thats what motivates you, I pity you.

This is correct. All awards have been announced. If you are president's club you would know it. If you stay you get the trip, if you go you get the money. The 1 issue is not for sure. I know of at least 2 people in the last round of layoffs who had 1's the previous year and were not let go. It depends on what ends up being the priority. Is geography and customer overlap weighted higher than your rating? I am guessing it could be, but no one will ever really know. It is the luck of the draw.

One of the guys in my area got the International Sales Award for 2009 with the trip in 2010. By the fall of 2010 he was on a PIP as sales growth had fallen off. Duh! In December of 2010, he was one of the reps cut.

You are only considered to be as good as your ongoing achievements. If you perform poorly today, you are out the door tomorrow! The tenure of sales reps and managers have a lot of similarities to players and coaches in professional sports, particularly the NFL. A stellar player with many years of exceptional performance can be out the door almost as fast as it takes an ACL to tear. Plan for the future because celebrating today's success will eventually be followed by a failure down the road and unfortunately this company in particular does not recognize that sales cycles are very real.