Last 6 month goals?

100% weight on hospital business. Tc/pc flow is going to take us to the next level and compete With the likes of Clarient. I get goose bumps when I think about it. The pathologist are going to be lined up with excitement to send everything to us.

When the grandfather clause is no longer in place we have no way to compete in hospital business. Happening in June. Tc/pc splits won't even matter or help at that point. We will meet be able to compete in hospital business for many reasons.

You cut the pathologist out for years going directly to their hem/oncs and now you think you'll have a shot with them? What a joke, you guys are the laughing stock in the pathology suite and you're way behind.

We are a joke. Can't compete in hospital business without contracts and no one cares about tc/pc split or aqua in the end. We are too stuck in our old ways to accommodate our own customers needs in a competitive market. We used to be great.....YEARS ago, but have to be creative in a demanding market. We still think we're great and that's the problem. Hemepaths, management don't accommodate or welcome change for the most important person - The client. In an Environment this competitive, We should be bending over backwards and allowing physicians to choose whatever combination of tests they want like any other lab. None of this compass or "smoc approval" BS. How about just DO whatever the client wants to keep the business and even remain competitive in this market!!!!!! Instead they blame their reps and not their own lapse of reality. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!