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Lapband getting ready to let reps go!


I have heard that the Lapband division is getting ready to cut jobs in a big way. Has anyone else heard this? Does anyone know the plan for the cut? What a mess this company has turned into!


All but confirmed on a conference call by JC last week. Had my local Lap Band rep call me yesterday to ask if I could let her know of any openings in the area that I hear about.

No Surprise.

The LapBand division is run by a few IDIOTS.
The product is world class and has so much more potential but unfortunately the people at Allergan have run out of ideas. Allergan has let go of the best & brightest talent with ideas and all that's left is a company full of no talent, pay check collecting fools.

Pyott are you listening?
Or better yet > is the Board of Directors paying attention?

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