Landing First Pharma Job

Hey all, I wanted to start this thread because I could not locate one that probably exists or has existed in various formats.

So I am in telecom the industry has worn me out to be honestly and I need switch industries. I have 3 years inside and 3 years outside b2b.

How did some of you land your first job in this industry. I have probably applied to around 50/60 jobs 1 interview actually offered a position to be informed a week later the company has a hiring freeze and now they are going through layoffs.

These god damn recruiters are useless because I’m sure they have 100’s of reps on file that have experience they would rather place.

I completed that the NAPSRX training.

What did you all do to break into the field?

Hey all, I wanted to start this thread because I could not locate one that probably exists or has existed in various formats.

So I am in telecom the industry has worn me out to be honestly and I need switch industries. I have 3 years inside and 3 years outside b2b.

How did some of you land your first job in this industry. I have probably applied to around 50/60 jobs 1 interview actually offered a position to be informed a week later the company has a hiring freeze and now they are going through layoffs.

These god damn recruiters are useless because I’m sure they have 100’s of reps on file that have experience they would rather place.

I completed that the NAPSRX training.

What did you all do to break into the field?

I was sad to see your post. Please think about who you really are as a person before jumping into this industry. It is not all posh and sweet, but the salary, the car, the benefits, the other "perks" all come with a tremendous price. Pretty much every rep I know that has been in this longer than 10 years (and many even longer than that) are miserable. You are told what to say, how to say it, when to say it and with what frequency. The offices look at you like a peon, a meal ticket, a burden. This is not sales. I know a ton of people who took this job because they were fooled into thinking it was lucrative. Most people I know are depressed and tired of being their company and their offices whipping post. I know you are excited. I see that you have taken a training course, that to be honest, I don't even know what that course is? I personally have been doing this for 15 years+ with a handful of big, small, and medium pharma co's and there is no test that is going to wow a DSM, RSM, Area Director, or HR Manager. You will most likely start out at $50-$60K/year base plus commission potential. You might land a primary care gig, and if you want to still join in the industry after reading my post, then that is where you should start. You could also try to get one of those hybrid selling roles where you do a mix of sales and something else (marketing, for example). I really think you should keep your self worth, evaluate your unique strengths, and go for a career that will challenge you and leverage your talents. I promise you, this is not it. Good luck.

I was sad to see your post. Please think about who you really are as a person before jumping into this industry. It is not all posh and sweet, but the salary, the car, the benefits, the other "perks" all come with a tremendous price. Pretty much every rep I know that has been in this longer than 10 years (and many even longer than that) are miserable. You are told what to say, how to say it, when to say it and with what frequency. The offices look at you like a peon, a meal ticket, a burden. This is not sales. I know a ton of people who took this job because they were fooled into thinking it was lucrative. Most people I know are depressed and tired of being their company and their offices whipping post. I know you are excited. I see that you have taken a training course, that to be honest, I don't even know what that course is? I personally have been doing this for 15 years+ with a handful of big, small, and medium pharma co's and there is no test that is going to wow a DSM, RSM, Area Director, or HR Manager. You will most likely start out at $50-$60K/year base plus commission potential. You might land a primary care gig, and if you want to still join in the industry after reading my post, then that is where you should start. You could also try to get one of those hybrid selling roles where you do a mix of sales and something else (marketing, for example). I really think you should keep your self worth, evaluate your unique strengths, and go for a career that will challenge you and leverage your talents. I promise you, this is not it. Good luck.


I'm the person who originally responded to you (the one with 15+ years experience in the industry). Just to show how much this industry saps you of all ability to function as a free-thinking individual, someone just stole my response to you and reposted it as their response under a Salix thread on "metrics craziness". See, case in point. Don't become one of these brainless, thoughtless, pharma robots who trades their last brain cell for a fucking company car. Good luck.

I'm the person who originally responded to you (the one with 15+ years experience in the industry). Just to show how much this industry saps you of all ability to function as a free-thinking individual, someone just stole my response to you and reposted it as their response under a Salix thread on "metrics craziness". See, case in point. Don't become one of these brainless, thoughtless, pharma robots who trades their last brain cell for a fucking company car. Good luck.
People need to see the truth of what the Pharma industry (an industry in decline) has become! There is absolutely NO job security and the industry is full of half-psychotic micromanagers who get off on riding their reps and administering frequent beat-downs. What has been stated in these posts is accurate and well crafted. Do your part to spread the word about what a disaster this industry has become! All the former pharmaceutical reps I know who have left the industry over the past 10 years are much happier now and have told me that they would never go back if given the opportunity. Many of them make less than they did in Pharma, but they are more content. They feel sorry for me and others who are still in this industry.

I was sad to see your post. Please think about who you really are as a person before jumping into this industry. It is not all posh and sweet, but the salary, the car, the benefits, the other "perks" all come with a tremendous price. Pretty much every rep I know that has been in this longer than 10 years (and many even longer than that) are miserable. You are told what to say, how to say it, when to say it and with what frequency. The offices look at you like a peon, a meal ticket, a burden. This is not sales. I know a ton of people who took this job because they were fooled into thinking it was lucrative. Most people I know are depressed and tired of being their company and their offices whipping post. I know you are excited. I see that you have taken a training course, that to be honest, I don't even know what that course is? I personally have been doing this for 15 years+ with a handful of big, small, and medium pharma co's and there is no test that is going to wow a DSM, RSM, Area Director, or HR Manager. You will most likely start out at $50-$60K/year base plus commission potential. You might land a primary care gig, and if you want to still join in the industry after reading my post, then that is where you should start. You could also try to get one of those hybrid selling roles where you do a mix of sales and something else (marketing, for example). I really think you should keep your self worth, evaluate your unique strengths, and go for a career that will challenge you and leverage your talents. I promise you, this is not it. Good luck.

Thanks for the heads up sounds a lot like what I do now. I think that’s the general life in sales but I have a family and this is the best way for me to earn. Based on my past coworkers who have broken into the industry they find pharma much easier their telecom. Right now my base is $42,500 a month $3333 if I hit 100% of my sales goal. $600 a month car allowance. I would like to break into pharma so I can have a hire base. So I understand everyone saying don’t do it.

I would like to hear some more stories of how you broke into it not why I should my mind is already firm on this.

OP should take the advice but instead he/she is firm and literally doesn't want to hear it (wants instead to focus on the not-as-important-question as to how we all got in this). We all got here in different ways, and there is no magic formula. Of course, you seem to think there is which is why you took a ridiculous pharma test thinking you needed it to break in. For someone who thinks they have all your bases covered and you have all the necessary information to gauge whether or not this is the right move, you don't seem to know much about the industry. Who is advising you? And putting your fingers in your ears like a toddler and not wanting to hear the advice of others who have done the job you want to do is immature.

OP should take the advice but instead he/she is firm and literally doesn't want to hear it (wants instead to focus on the not-as-important-question as to how we all got in this). We all got here in different ways, and there is no magic formula. Of course, you seem to think there is which is why you took a ridiculous pharma test thinking you needed it to break in. For someone who thinks they have all your bases covered and you have all the necessary information to gauge whether or not this is the right move, you don't seem to know much about the industry. Who is advising you? And putting your fingers in your ears like a toddler and not wanting to hear the advice of others who have done the job you want to do is immature.

You sound very bitter, normally toddlers are the ones who do the name calling. Sorry you’re around 45/60 and never made it to the next level in your career and I’m sure you’re probably on here to participate in the pitty party. I no way mentioned anything about a magic formula.

I never made it to the next level of my career??? Buddy, I am exactly where you want to be!!! Did you forget your original post? I'm your fucking dream scenario, asshole! I have paid a price for being in the industry as long as I have been, which is all I (and everyone else who responded to you) have said. We were trying to help you. I have gotten to many levels in my career as a pharma rep, including multiple P Clubs, but I'm sure that means nothing to you. So, I wish you luck. You can take your unnecessary entry-level pharma test (that no one even knows what it is) and shove it. That alone tells me who I am dealing with. Oh and cute profile name. Next time you want to post on an industry board that isn't your industry, learn the ways young padawan!

I never made it to the next level of my career??? Buddy, I am exactly where you want to be!!! Did you forget your original post? I'm your fucking dream scenario, asshole! I have paid a price for being in the industry as long as I have been, which is all I (and everyone else who responded to you) have said. We were trying to help you. I have gotten to many levels in my career as a pharma rep, including multiple P Clubs, but I'm sure that means nothing to you. So, I wish you luck. You can take your unnecessary entry-level pharma test (that no one even knows what it is) and shove it. That alone tells me who I am dealing with. Oh and cute profile name. Next time you want to post on an industry board that isn't your industry, learn the ways young padawan!
Well-put! I couldn't have stated it better myself. These fools out there still thinking about pharma sales as a career - I want some of what they're smokin'! Industry veterans are responding to the OP and trying to enlighten them, but it's pointless. They just want hear that some of us worked for Enterprise rental car or sold copiers before we got our break - go look at the LinkedIn profiles of some pharma reps and check their work history. Nuff said! Smh...:mad:

Hey all, I wanted to start this thread because I could not locate one that probably exists or has existed in various formats.

So I am in telecom the industry has worn me out to be honestly and I need switch industries. I have 3 years inside and 3 years outside b2b.

How did some of you land your first job in this industry. I have probably applied to around 50/60 jobs 1 interview actually offered a position to be informed a week later the company has a hiring freeze and now they are going through layoffs.

These god damn recruiters are useless because I’m sure they have 100’s of reps on file that have experience they would rather place.

I completed that the NAPSRX training.

What did you all do to break into the field?
You need to stay away from the industry as many previous posters have advised and also drop your self serving & entitlement attitude. Pharma and science trained customers want clinical backgrounded people not dime a dozen telecom b2b know it alls who will never acquire the sophisticated knowledge needed to effectively communicate at all times under all patient scenarios and circumstances. We don’t hire your type for reasons you’ve clearly displayed. Stop insulting those of us who are highly educated and have actually treated patients! And by the way, never heard of nor am I impressed w your so called training course...what a joke that is.

You need to stay away from the industry as many previous posters have advised and also drop your self serving & entitlement attitude. Pharma and science trained customers want clinical backgrounded people not dime a dozen telecom b2b know it alls who will never acquire the sophisticated knowledge needed to effectively communicate at all times under all patient scenarios and circumstances. We don’t hire your type for reasons you’ve clearly displayed. Stop insulting those of us who are highly educated and have actually treated patients! And by the way, never heard of nor am I impressed w your so called training course...what a joke that is.

I want the cheese crusted bagel at Panera now! Don’t forget my soy late! You highly educated delivery boy!

I want the cheese crusted bagel at Panera now! Don’t forget my soy late! You highly educated delivery boy!
Actually have masters degree in health related profession which spares me having to operate as a caterer like you obviously have to. It’s called credibility! I feel sorry for your kind and see you struggling (deservingly so) everyday.

Actually have masters degree in health related profession which spares me having to operate as a caterer like you obviously have to. It’s called credibility! I feel sorry for your kind and see you struggling (deservingly so) everyday.

If you have to be vague about your degree then it really is a BS degree. Don’t forget my shrimp salad! You spend a lot of time on this site for someone with a Masters? Shouldn’t you be out there educating the doctors about your great product. Productive much?

If you have to be vague about your degree then it really is a BS degree. Don’t forget my shrimp salad! You spend a lot of time on this site for someone with a Masters? Shouldn’t you be out there educating the doctors about your great product. Productive much?
What a moron. Although it figures..