Been thinking about this one for a loooong time, but finally decided to put it out for general consumption, just tied of the hypocrisy.
Denver, Co. 3/12/2006 Leadership Meeting.
Tony Hooper while addressing the leadership team made the following joke:
"I have two mics on this morning -so you'll hear both of me. We have alot of patients on Ablilify and we talk to both of them all the time."
Abilify is indicated for schizophrenia. I personally have a family member with diagnosed schizophrenia and it has destroyed their life. For Tony Hooper to make fun of that situation just calls into focus his fucking hypocrisy. This guy is a loser, you see what people really think in those off the cuff moments like his sick attempt at humor to the leadership team.
Integrity? Corporate mission? Extend and Enhance human life? Fuck this guy - he doesn't care about aptients as long as there is money being made, or he wouldn't make jokes like this.
Oh yea, for all you kool-aid drinkers, they tape every meeting - go back and view the tape, this is exactly what Hooper said. Shadow of the leader? What a joke, a sad joke.
Hey, Hooper! How about an apology you pussy? Remember your other statements a few minutes later that day? "You can walk away or you can take responsibility." "Stand up and be accountable." What are you going to do Tony?
We are listening to every word you say, you hypocrite. You deserve sensitivity training or being fired.
Denver, Co. 3/12/2006 Leadership Meeting.
Tony Hooper while addressing the leadership team made the following joke:
"I have two mics on this morning -so you'll hear both of me. We have alot of patients on Ablilify and we talk to both of them all the time."
Abilify is indicated for schizophrenia. I personally have a family member with diagnosed schizophrenia and it has destroyed their life. For Tony Hooper to make fun of that situation just calls into focus his fucking hypocrisy. This guy is a loser, you see what people really think in those off the cuff moments like his sick attempt at humor to the leadership team.
Integrity? Corporate mission? Extend and Enhance human life? Fuck this guy - he doesn't care about aptients as long as there is money being made, or he wouldn't make jokes like this.
Oh yea, for all you kool-aid drinkers, they tape every meeting - go back and view the tape, this is exactly what Hooper said. Shadow of the leader? What a joke, a sad joke.
Hey, Hooper! How about an apology you pussy? Remember your other statements a few minutes later that day? "You can walk away or you can take responsibility." "Stand up and be accountable." What are you going to do Tony?
We are listening to every word you say, you hypocrite. You deserve sensitivity training or being fired.