LabCorp sues Feds

Who had the work prior to the bid?

I've worked on large bids for Labcorp in my past life and I can't believe they would wait to submit their RFP with only 52 minutes before the deadline. The VP of that division should be fired or severely reprimanded.

Its the norm there who are they kidding they just cry when they cant get the business . Clerks sending RFPs with no college education or skill set as the pay scales are so low

If this was handled by the infamous National Accounts or Hospital Business Group, I believe it!! If you've never had the pleasure of having to deal with them, consider yourself lucky! That department is a joke and 90% of what they touch is totally screwed up anyway. The company would be better off allowing the divisions deal with this business sector or holding them accountable for the stuff they do. The divisions handle their crap anyway, so why are they needed?